

Wanted to say hello. I am thinking of getting a Hayabusa. I read the 'first bike' thread above in its entirety. I currently have a '91 Kawa 650 standard bike. I hadn't ridden for about 10 years until last year when I got the Kawa and took the MSF. I've been off a bit because of winter here in Idaho but been getting out riding as it's begun to warm up.

Our local dealer has a '04 Busa for a good price and I'm infatuated with it. OTOH, I'm scared ___-less at the same time. I'm not worried about wanting to open it up, I'm much too conservative, I'm more worried about being able to handle the beast at low speeds and just get around enough to even begin to learn to ride such a beauty. OTOH of the other hand, I can't see paying damn near as much for a 'lesser' bike such as the GSXR750 or 600 as I can for the Busa. In terms of my riding experience I'm not a 'new' rider, nor would I consider myself a really good rider, so I'm torn on the Busa.

Anyway, going to mostly lurking the board and learning while I wrestle over this. Any comments welcome.

Charles Leader
Boise, Id.

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First, welcome to the board! Having the Busa as a first bike is a big source of controversy on the board, but the most important thing is controlling your right wrist because has the power. If you can do that you can ride anything. I did the same as you, had not ridden for a significant number of years and got a Kat 750 and then realized the error of my ways!
The Busa will treat you right as long as you respect it and it appears that won't be a problem. It will take you some time to get comfortable with her, but you can definitely do it. What kind of deal is the stealer offering?
Welcome to the board. The Busa handles just fine at slow speeds, but you may find yourself using the clutch a lot when your going under about 20 mph.  You'll like the way it rides!  

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If you had any of the "larger" bikes when you were younger they weighed more than the 'Busa, so you may find it feels lighter. My 1100 was 600lbs, the 900 546lbs etc.

Once the 'Busa's rolling it's pretty nimble. It feels smaller when you're sitting on it, looks intimidating when you're not (another one of it's many assets!)

Welcome to the board.
I personally don't think you have to worry about the characteristics of the busa at slow speeds, the busa is much more steady than you would think it would be!
Also welcome!
Thanks for the kind words, we'll just have to see what happens.

To BigBSBusa: $9k for the '04, 3K miles on it.
Welcome to the board. The deal on the used Busa sounds fair, if it's in perfect condition. I think you'll love the Busa. I was instantly impressed on my first ride and it seems to get better every time out
Welcome. I say go for it. Really only you know if you're ready for the busa. But, in all honesty, the busa is damn easy to ride...nice and smooth...think with your big head and you'll be fine.
As evidenced by the fact that you're even asking the quesiont, you're more ready than you think. Get it, man!

Welcome the The Board, I say go for it as well, just get to know the Busa before you really start letting her loose
Go for it. If you get it soon, be careful with cold tires and cold pavement. It doesn't take much to spin the rear tire in winter. You will absolutley love the Busa. She starts growling around 5k rpm' hang on. Oh yeah welcome to the board!!
I have to say that at low speeds and around town the busa is a sweatheart. The statement about lots of clutch is true. It is a smooth,fun street bike or a wild "balls to the wall" ride, your choice.Enjoy!!
Thank you all for the kind responses. Good news, the paperwork is in the works, couldn't get it all wrapped up before end of business Friday, but come Monday, she's mine
It's a 2004 in the black/purple color scheme. Oh yeah, and the dealer lowered the price today, only $200 lower, but heh, I'll take it. I'm really looking forward to getting to know her, very slowly and very carefully!
Congrats! I don't have your restraint when it comes to riding in Idaho. I once raced my brother in a top speed dual on the way to Craters of the Moon park. My V-max against his V-65 at 150 mph for about 10 minutes. I've gotta get my Busa out there someday!