Wanted to say hello. I am thinking of getting a Hayabusa. I read the 'first bike' thread above in its entirety. I currently have a '91 Kawa 650 standard bike. I hadn't ridden for about 10 years until last year when I got the Kawa and took the MSF. I've been off a bit because of winter here in Idaho but been getting out riding as it's begun to warm up.
Our local dealer has a '04 Busa for a good price and I'm infatuated with it. OTOH, I'm scared ___-less at the same time. I'm not worried about wanting to open it up, I'm much too conservative, I'm more worried about being able to handle the beast at low speeds and just get around enough to even begin to learn to ride such a beauty. OTOH of the other hand, I can't see paying damn near as much for a 'lesser' bike such as the GSXR750 or 600 as I can for the Busa. In terms of my riding experience I'm not a 'new' rider, nor would I consider myself a really good rider, so I'm torn on the Busa.
Anyway, going to mostly lurking the board and learning while I wrestle over this. Any comments welcome.
Charles Leader
Boise, Id.
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Our local dealer has a '04 Busa for a good price and I'm infatuated with it. OTOH, I'm scared ___-less at the same time. I'm not worried about wanting to open it up, I'm much too conservative, I'm more worried about being able to handle the beast at low speeds and just get around enough to even begin to learn to ride such a beauty. OTOH of the other hand, I can't see paying damn near as much for a 'lesser' bike such as the GSXR750 or 600 as I can for the Busa. In terms of my riding experience I'm not a 'new' rider, nor would I consider myself a really good rider, so I'm torn on the Busa.
Anyway, going to mostly lurking the board and learning while I wrestle over this. Any comments welcome.
Charles Leader
Boise, Id.
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