iOS 6 image check.

I updated. Dang, I was hoping for some chick to respond to me when I talked to my phone
The single most aggravating thing the iPhone can't do for me is this:

Go to the camera, take a picture, then send it to someone. :banghead: Why do I have to exit the camera, go to pictures and then message it? SUPER annoying to me. This is the ONLY thing I miss about Android...

Not true. When you take a pic it drops down into little camera roll window.
Tap that to see pic you just took and then tap arrow to mssg/mail it.
You don't have to exit cam to do it.
Not true. When you take a pic it drops down into little camera roll window.
Tap that to see pic you just took and then tap arrow to mssg/mail it.
You don't have to exit cam to do it.

Is that new? I don't remember being able to do that, and I just tried it and sure enough.. :thumbsup:
Oh those are a given. Can't fault me for those.

Wanna see one?

Que Hola Papi Bots?