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This guy is great he will tell you everything you need to know!!

Gives you step-by-step on how to jailbreak a phone or anything else you would like to do to an Iphone.. And he is also on YouTube with vidoe's guides to help

I haven't had a problem with a jail broken phone yet.. its been a year since I first started doing them on other people phones and not one complain yet...

Some people say you do lose your warranty with a jail broken phone!! But once you learn how to do a jail break you really dont need att help on fixing the phone.. or less you drop it in water or break the screen.. Iphone's and Blackberry's are really easy to fix your self.. But like i said i haven't had anyone complain yet!!!

If you bought an Iphone just because its and Iphone!!! I understand But if you bought one cause you like all the apps Well Jailbreaking is the way to go!!! you get more free Apps from jailbreaking than you get from the Apple store..Plus most of the Apps you will get will change the Look,and style (like seen in the picture above) can change carrier name,battery,themes,way the icons looks!!! I could go on and on about it..... So go check it out!!! Also unlock the Iphone to work on Verizon,and Tmobile :thumbsup:

Any ??? Pm me and i will try to answer more ??? about it

Will work on all Iphone's and Iphone touch

Do you have a way to use the Iphone as a computer tether?
You have to be on the 3.0 software, PM me for details.

Yep - Have to downgrade to 3.0. It's really easy to do with 3.0. DO NOT try it with 3.1...you'll break Visual Voice Mail (though, you can get it back...)
I just wanna know I jailbreak both my Iphones can I take them to someone who has like a 50 buck a month plan ?
Will they still be able to access the internet and function the same as they do now just with a diff carrier ?

I am tired of large bills from ATT ?
Blackrain....use the link i posted before and go to his youtube page and watch Jail break 3.1.2 iphone and ipod touch w/blackrain... one is with the MAc and the other is with Windows
OK, what method do you recommend to jailbreak OS 3.1.2? And which app(s) to tether?

once you have it jailbroke with blackrain and have cydia on ur phone... you then go to snow.. and open that and run the program you then look into setting-general -networks and it should say tether once there click the link that it has there for you.. down load the info on to your laptop and plug your phone in and your done :welcome:
Mark the Spot
Easy Relax
Google Earth
PS Mobile
TiltMeter Pro
Ahhhh Posting from my newly Jailbroken tethered Iphone and laptop....


+2 on Shazam! It blows my mind how it can listen to a song and show you the name of the artist, song, and let you listen it to and/or buy it. Wow!

Trapster- Tracks the popo so you know where the speedtraps are! :beerchug:

What does it mean to jailbreak your phone?
Ahhhh Posting from my newly Jailbroken tethered Iphone and laptop....

View attachment 175003

Don't go crazy with the tethering unless you have an ISP specific account. If you are on AT&T still they will red flag any spike in large downloads and will tell you that you are in violation with the terms. They will then give you a rather large bill.

At some point they may offer tethering as part of a package deal, but I'm not sure when.
Since when did Verizon start using SIM cards in their CMDA phones? You can't put a SIM in the iPhone that doesn't exist.

If i understand your post correctly you are saying the iPhone does not use a SIM card. The iPhone does indeed use a SIM card it is located at the top of the phone. If I read it wrong, forgive me!:beerchug:

One App I really enjoy is FluxTunes; it allows you to change the track of a song with just a swipe of your finger. It also allows you to tap the screen to pause/play your music, it really comes in handy at the gym using the arm band!
once you have it jailbroke with blackrain and have cydia on ur phone... you then go to snow.. and open that and run the program you then look into setting-general -networks and it should say tether once there click the link that it has there for you.. down load the info on to your laptop and plug your phone in and your done :welcome:

How do I get it so I don't have to run blackrain after every reboot??
You shouldnt have to run black rain but one time... then you can delete it..