Ipod's and MP3's - Speakers or Headphones?

Which do you prefer listening to when riding? Speakers, Headphones, Bluetooth, Other?

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In ear speakers are the way to go, they seal out wind noise and allow one to turn the tunes down and still hear the music. Wind is a bass tone so you need to shut it out, anytype system will be happier with in ear speakers. Try the Etomotic er6i like 3 others have said you will spend $75.00 from some online sources and the sound quality will be great. I would not bother with the blue tooth systems, they cost a lot and do not sound that good. Hardwired is the way to go. Kieth the autocom guy....... Later you can integrate the in ear speakers with a audio system (Autocom) etc and really enjoy the sound quality. Kieth :thumbsup:
I got 4 5.25s and a subwoofer... absolutely love it! hated dealing with all the earbuds and wires...:thumbsup: i can hear it well over 100 mph
Sure! I will take a few in the morning! getting the rearsets powder coated so right now she is ass out!:laugh: but i will take a few of the front....
No doubt that music (at high volume) has it's hazards on the bike, but I'll deal with it. It makes my long commute so much more bareable, I'll never go without it! The drone of my motor on a long ride home at night is like a sleeping pill for me. Haward Stern or an audio book keep me awake and make the commute seem a lot shorter. Without audio intertainment, I tend to use the throttle on my Busa to make my long commute seem a lot shorter.

Well sir, you and I are complete opposites... Whenever I am riding and a good fast techno song, or a good metal song comes on... THEN my ride somehow becomes a lot shorter! :laugh:

And back to the original topic... I use earbuds... I gave the helmet speakers a shot and didnt like them... They were uncomfortable and I couldnt hear them over 50mph. I really REALLY liked the idea... and loved the fact that I didnt have to mess with getting the helmet on without pulling the earbuds out... Loved the headphone jack on the back of my helmet... But the wind just killed it. Ear buds work well. I used to have a set of noise isolating in-ear buds, similar to the ones posted by a few people, but they were too big and kept getting yanked out when I put the helmet on.

How big are the etomotics? I have found that with my helmet (as I would rather have it a bit on the tight side than on the loose side) yanks everything but the smallest profile ear buds out of my ears...
i have to put helmet on then work earbuds in, helmet pulls em out. same with taking helmet off, gotta wiggle earbuds out before taking helmet off or the earbuds ride up w/ the helmet hurting my head. Its a PITA but I love listening to music. wish there was a better alternative....

+1 snaggletooth, I hear ya about the motor makin ya tired, same here!

+1 danath34, When I listen to heavier tunes its like I try to match my riding momentum with that of the music... weird .
I'm using the chatterbox for awhile now and have been happy with it. But since I have bought the Busa I've been looking at your stuff busa tunes. The only thing I worry about is one the bass response. I like hip hop music at times when I'm riding and I would want a well rounded sound. @ busa tunes: I have seen your videos of your systems and they sound great w/ rock music :thumbsup: but is there a chance of getting a video with some hip hop / rap music to hear the bass? I 'am not expecting wonders out of a 3 inch speaker but still curious before I pulled the trigger.
er6i for years. I have had some custom mold ones in the past that didn't seem to work as well for me. I buddy loves his westones for about 100 bucks

eytomotic er6i are available from amazon etc
I have an interphone i4, and several chatterboxes. Always ride with one of them.

By the way, I lost my charger for my interphone and can't find a new one anywhere. Anyone know what kind of voltage I need to splice together a new charger?
How about a stereo set on the back of your bike? For Gen 1 Busas.....you can see more on our album or at www.dark-matter-products.com.

I use earbuds and I also have speakers mounted on the front panel for when I want everyone to hear. Sounds good riding around town, once you get over 60 wind starts to overtake the sound.