Thanks Doyle!!!I'm so impressed, you get a gold embossed man have a deep and comfy sleep! Doyle
Thanks newman!!!Congrats.
Thanks Doyle!!!I'm so impressed, you get a gold embossed man have a deep and comfy sleep! Doyle
Thanks newman!!!Congrats.
Thank you sir!!! It was a very smooth ride. Not one close call.Thats definitely some good riding Red.... Congrats... ..Glad your trip was without incident and you are safe at home....You sir... are the man!!!
I just felt kinda bad that storm rolled in early because I was shooting for more than 1,200 miles trying to beat my old record of 1,205 miles. I was so close.
Here's the mpg.Also did you check gas mileage at all?
Thanks!!!WOW!!! Congrats
That's one of my goals. If I can do 500 miles in 7 hours, I think I can do 1500 miles within 24 hours. Who knows? That's because I don't take breaks for more than 10 minutes. I just put gas, go to the restroom, and hit the road again.sleepless,
May I humbly/respectfully offer as your next "target:" the IBA BUNBURNER (1500 miles in under 36 hours).....I came very close last year to making it (missed it by about 200 miles)
I don't use navigation system.Maybe you should get an external tank
That would cut down on your stops.
Just wondering - do you have/use any kind of Navigation device other than a paper map if that?
Also what speed in mph and rpm's are you averaging?
Another question is what kind of gear do you wear on these long rides.
Mesh Jacket, full leather jacket, racing gloves, special boots/pants etc.etc.etc.
Thanks for everything.