Is a hayabusa the best overall.


How well do you think the hayabusa stands against its worldwide competitors in terms of fun to drive , handling, speed, 1/4 mile, maintenence, and build quality.

Ducati, Kawasaki, Yamaha, or any other company that is worth mentioning. Everybody has a different opinion, nothing is perfect.
if busa was your first choice whats your second.

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There is no such thing as perfect for everyone.Depends on what "YOU" want to do with a bike.Track days then you need a more track oriented bike like a liter bike or a 600.But honestly would you want to ride them everyday for commuting? Not very comfortable are they.The busa can be customized as a great drag bike and you can also ride it for long distances as its very comfortable.Not to mention the fact that its top end is enough to keep any speed freak happy.
Depends on what "YOU" want to do with a bike.
Bingo... Well said. Tell us what you are looking for and we can tell you how the Busa stacks up.

Busa + : Stable at any speed, comfortable, crazy fast and a cult superbike.

Busa - : Heavier then other super bikes, better on straight level then on twisites, can cook your legs like a furnace in the summer, aggressive riding position can be hard on your back on long rides if you are tall and has low center of gravity
I have always wanted the busa. When finally got one I was amazed. I am 6'2 about 225 and I wanted room and to be comfortable. I didnt care about putting my knee down in corners. When I ride i like to go some distance and the busa fit the bill. Also, there are not too many other bikes in the world that can touch this machine. It is just bad. Knowing you have that kind of power just rocks. The bigger the better:) I think that all the japanese bikes have pretty good build quality, but only one makes the BUSA! JMO
Why do i get the feeling that the person making this post is very new to motorcycles in general? If you are then PLEASE dont get a busa.Look into your local cycle trader.Buy a cheap old bike for around 1500 bucks or so.Play with it.When you have put around 5000 miles on it or so go ahead and get whatever bike you like.Any of the newer bikes (even the 600s) arent a good idea for a complete beginner.Not to mention the fact that any full fairing bike when dropped (even lightly in the driveway) is probably gonna end up costing over a grand to fix.You might not get hurt but your wallet and ego certainly will be.
The busa is not the most fun ride but it may very well be the best all around bike available on the market today. It does everything pretty well. If you want max fun, get yourself a liter bike. I have a GSXR1K and I ride it five times more than I do my busa. Just lots more fun for afternoon or day rides. If there is a trip in mind, the busa takes center stage. Straight line racing, busa by far. Just depends on what you want out of your steed.
I buy bikes with Passion
, and my Passion makes me buy bikes. In my stall is Ducs and a Busa, the Busa is the best at what it does hands down NO QUESTION, cause it does it with PASSION

If ya gotta ask, go buy something else that will make YOUR BLOOD BOIL  

Yeeeeee Hawwwww, I gotta go ride  
I'm almost 48 years old with over 30 years of street riding experience...and I'd rate myself as in slightly worse than average physical condition..and on my Hayabusa?...I've taken weekend getaway rides with ease and comfort...I've been to 180+ numerous times....the acceleration is euphoric...the torquey power is intoxicating..and for a hypersport/st of the busas weight and size?..she handles amazingly well...enough so that damn few "STREET LEVEL RIDERS" on liter or even 600 class RR sportbikes jump and run from me in the twisties..matter fact?...I do believe I've pssed more than I've been passed by...I think the best way I could descibe the handling deficiet of the busa is like this...if the busa rider has a 10-15% higher skill level than the 1000/600cc full blown sportbike rider?...then that sportbike rider ain't go'in nowhere..and the busa will in fact for those who aren't faint of heart?...the big beast does in fact....have legs.

Simply put?..speaking as a long term streetrider?....

"After owning/riding the Hayabusa?...I can't imagine riding anything least not in the streets."

L8R, Bill.
I've been around bikes since I was a kid. I graduated from mini-bikes to sportbikes. The Busa is by far the most comfortable bike I've ever owned. I'm 5'10" 185lbs & this bike just fits me. I'm on my 2nd busa a 06' LE & I also brought the new M109R crusier. The Busa is by far more fun to ride but that depends on the type of riding you like to do. Do your homework & test ride as many bikes as you can before you make your decision.
I have always wanted the busa. When finally got one I was amazed.  I am 6'2 about 225 and I wanted room and to be comfortable.  I didnt care about putting my knee down in corners.  When I ride i like to go some distance and the busa fit the bill.  Also, there are not too many other bikes in the world that can touch this machine.  It is just bad.  Knowing you have that kind of power just rocks.  The bigger the better:)  I think that all the japanese bikes have pretty good build quality, but only one makes the BUSA! JMO
Putting your knee down is over rated.  It usually equals to a large repair bill or a hospital bill or both. Eventually.

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