I'm almost 48 years old with over 30 years of street riding experience...and I'd rate myself as in slightly worse than average physical condition..and on my Hayabusa?...I've taken weekend getaway rides with ease and comfort...I've been to 180+ numerous times....the acceleration is euphoric...the torquey power is intoxicating..and for a hypersport/st of the busas weight and size?..she handles amazingly well...enough so that damn few
"STREET LEVEL RIDERS" on liter or even 600 class RR sportbikes jump and run from me in the twisties..matter fact?...I do believe I've pssed more than I've been passed by...I think the best way I could descibe the handling deficiet of the busa is like this...if the busa rider has a 10-15% higher skill level than the 1000/600cc full blown sportbike rider?...then that sportbike rider ain't go'in nowhere..and the busa will in fact hang...as for those who aren't faint of heart?...the big beast does in fact....have legs.
Simply put?..speaking as a long term streetrider?....
"After owning/riding the Hayabusa?...I can't imagine riding anything less...at least not in the streets."
L8R, Bill.