Is a hayabusa the best overall.

I have always wanted the busa. When finally got one I was amazed.  I am 6'2 about 225 and I wanted room and to be comfortable.  I didnt care about putting my knee down in corners.  When I ride i like to go some distance and the busa fit the bill.  Also, there are not too many other bikes in the world that can touch this machine.  It is just bad.  Knowing you have that kind of power just rocks.  The bigger the better:)  I think that all the japanese bikes have pretty good build quality, but only one makes the BUSA! JMO
Putting your knee down is over rated.  It usually equals to a large repair bill or a hospital bill or both.   Eventually.
Is there anything worth riding other than a Busa
The Busa is GREAT for overall/everyday riding, speed, etc. just like what everyone has said here. I still plan on getting a liter this summer for track only but I HAVE PROVED MANY WRONG THAT A BUSA CAN'T HANDLE IN THE CORNERS. As evident in my pics on the other thread regarding my track day, I only got passed once and that was by my friend who's way more experienced on his 600. I blew past many 600's and liters in the infield portion of the AMA Track @ California Speedway.

Put on some Pilot Powers or equivalant, adjust your suspension to YOUR BODYWEIGHT (see Jinkster's thread), get a better windscreen and adjustable rearsets to raise the ground clearance. You'll have a bike that'll keep pace with the little RR bikes. IS IT THE BEST FOR TRACK? Not the best choice but it holds its own. Drag? AWESOME!! Sporttouring? Can't beat it. Daily DRIVER? HELL Yes it kicks AZZ.
I have always wanted the busa. When finally got one I was amazed.  I am 6'2 about 225 and I wanted room and to be comfortable.  I didnt care about putting my knee down in corners.  When I ride i like to go some distance and the busa fit the bill.  Also, there are not too many other bikes in the world that can touch this machine.  It is just bad.  Knowing you have that kind of power just rocks.  The bigger the better:)  I think that all the japanese bikes have pretty good build quality, but only one makes the BUSA! JMO
Putting your knee down is over rated.  It usually equals to a large repair bill or a hospital bill or both.   Eventually.

Not if you KNOW how to REALLY RIDE. The only place to do it is on the track. Doin' it on the streets or the canyons is asking for trouble. Put my knee down many times and never been down.
I'm almost 48 years old with over 30 years of street riding experience...and I'd rate myself as in slightly worse than average physical condition..and on my Hayabusa?...I've taken weekend getaway rides with ease and comfort...I've been to 180+ numerous times....the acceleration is euphoric...the torquey power is intoxicating..and for a hypersport/st of the busas weight and size?..she handles amazingly well...enough so that damn few "STREET LEVEL RIDERS" on liter or even 600 class RR sportbikes jump and run from me in the twisties..matter fact?...I do believe I've pssed more than I've been passed by...I think the best way I could descibe the handling deficiet of the busa is like this...if the busa rider has a 10-15% higher skill level than the 1000/600cc full blown sportbike rider?...then that sportbike rider ain't go'in nowhere..and the busa will in fact for those who aren't faint of heart?...the big beast does in fact....have legs.

Simply put?..speaking as a long term streetrider?....

"After owning/riding the Hayabusa?...I can't imagine riding anything least not in the streets."

L8R, Bill.
what he said!!!!
For umairhashmi I am a new rider, but i don't have a busa. a buddy of mine gave me a good deal on his Yamaha R1. too good to pass up. the R1 is good bike, but i still want a busa. its fun to ride, but it doesn't turn heads like my friends busa.

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I'm no 'busa #####, so I wont joint the "nothing beats a 'busa bandwagon' but I do know that it is a fantastic bike. Like what was mentioned before, the best bike depends on what your particular needs and applications are.

IMO if you want handling and agility at speed, a 600cc supersport.

agility,power, handling at any speed= liter class superbike (twins are best for sheer character and emotion).

Major fun, agility, & speed that is the best experienced under 100mph and ideal for every day urban jousting and easier servicing= Hooligan nakeds (woefully underrated in the USA and likely the best kinds of bikes EVER!!).

Blistering speed and power from idle to redline, comfort, utility, pillion friendly, longdistance interstate level travel, everyday user friendliness= Sport tourer (hyper sports) = 'busa country.

Just my humble opinion, nothing will send you to the chiropracter faster but looks so sexy but a sportbike, nothing looks more like a snot-nosed street punk but will tame the urban jungle and will out-handle any sportbike 'under the ton' than a Euro-naked, Nothing starts ugly then slowly but surely grows more beautiful the more you ride it than the hyper-sports, they just do so much so well and with the added caviat of comfort.
For umairhashmi I am a new rider, but i don't have a busa. a buddy of mine gave me a good deal on his Yamaha R1. too good to pass up. the R1 is good bike, but i still want a busa. its fun to ride, but it doesn't turn heads like my friends busa.
Just respect the bike and ull be aight.How miles have u put on that R1? A r1 is a bit too much to handle for a newbie im sure u have heard that before.Put some miles on it and then sell it.Ull be ready for a busa.Although i personally think the literbikes are much more jumpy and wheelie prone than a busa.One wrong twist of your twist on any new literbike and its gonna wheelie and youll be on your back (broken) the next second.Be careful and wear your gear.Best of luck
The Busa is GREAT for overall/everyday riding, speed, etc. just like what everyone has said here. I still plan on getting a liter this summer for track only but I HAVE PROVED MANY WRONG THAT A BUSA CAN'T HANDLE IN THE CORNERS. As evident in my pics on the other thread regarding my track day, I only got passed once and that was by my friend who's way more experienced on his 600. I blew past many 600's and liters in the infield portion of the AMA Track @ California Speedway.

Put on some Pilot Powers or equivalant, adjust your suspension to YOUR BODYWEIGHT (see Jinkster's thread), get a better windscreen and adjustable rearsets to raise the ground clearance. You'll have a bike that'll keep pace with the little RR bikes. IS IT THE BEST FOR TRACK? Not the best choice but it holds its own. Drag? AWESOME!! Sporttouring? Can't beat it. Daily DRIVER? HELL Yes it kicks AZZ.
I agree.
Thanks, i have put about 2500 miles on the R1, no problems yet. i think i will keep it even if i do get a busa.
Of course on this board we are going to say the busa rules but go ask that question on the zx board and they will tell you the same . No wait I mean different.
I've owned both Honda's & Yamaha's (many of each), but my '06'busa is my first Suzuki. I moved from an FZ1 to the 'busa. Now I'm 6'6", 200# and not getting any younger, so I was looking for something as comfortable as the FZ1 but with more balls. I couldn't be happier on the 'busa. I mostly street ride and do long distances. Got soft bags and will be taking my first longer trip to Americade this June. In short, someday I'll be too old to ride a bike like the 'busa so I'm getting my thrills now. The only problem I have is the pain in my face from smiling so much!!!!