Is David Lee Roth gay?

I'll just say this...I'm known by friends as being a huge Van Halen fan - at least until DLR left...he was the show and in my opinion the best front man ever...not to mention Van Halen had a unique sound that has never been duplicated.

Having stated that, back in the early 80's that kind of front man performance (although I admit looks gay by today's performances) determined huge success or failure for a band and I actually envied DLR because that guy likely pulled more than this entire board...hey, I was a young teenager...what do you think was on mind 24/7 other than motorcycles?

Problem is that act has sailed and I think VH fans appreciate the music itself more than a 53 year-old DLR jumping around. I just refer back to the memories of the Van Halen concert in 1984 and that's how I want to remember them.
Yeah, I was pretty pissed when DLR left VH... It was never the same, Hagar had nothing to add and wasn't anything new or interesting. Not even Eddie's guitar could save em' after DLR left. Sound changed for the worse...
How you doin', Keith...still have the Beamer?

Just got a new G35 sedan myself...kicked up to 306 hp...entirely new car, touchy pedal though...still have the wife's G35 6SPD coupe as well.
Hell yeah, Doing really good. Though I need to loose the forged 19" wheels and find something inexpensive and 18". I don't like driving around on jewelery.

Otherwise loving it, BMW "Brings, Me, Women" not my fault that it brings me 19year old women...
One is symptomatic of an underdeveloped frontal lobe, insecurity
WOW!! I had thought there was a medical reason for homoseuxality but never knew what it was. so they have proven it is an underdeveloped frontal lobe?

I'll simplify my writting style for ya make sure you can follow it all the way to the end.

Here's what I said...
<div class="iF-Passage"><div class="QUOTEHEAD">Quote:[/Quote]<div class="QUOTE clearfix"><span class="quoteBegin"> </span>

One is symptomatic of an underdeveloped frontal lobe, insecurity, and in many cases latent homosexuality. The other is just a sexual preference.

I had never seen the boys live and I just wanted to see Ed play, and so I got my $ worth ...   He was steller!  Alex also did a kickin solo!  

Over all I enjoyed it. Probly wont see them again.

Daves style and performance wasnt like any video I had ever seen him in, so I posed the question.  Nuff said.  
What was wrong with the seat though... $150 seat I'd expect to be sitting with Eddie's Wife...  Or David's Boyfriend I suppose.  
R U kidiin! The good seats were $2500 ! My $150 seat was close for viewing but side back allmost lookin over their shoulder and could barely see the screen behind the band. ( my inexperience with ticket master I suppose
I had never seen the boys live and I just wanted to see Ed play, and so I got my $ worth ... He was steller! Alex also did a kickin solo!

Over all I enjoyed it. Probly wont see them again.

Daves style and performance wasnt like any video I had ever seen him in, so I posed the question. Nuff said.
What was wrong with the seat though... $150 seat I'd expect to be sitting with Eddie's Wife... Or David's Boyfriend I suppose.
R U kidiin! The good seats were $2500 ! My $150 seat was close for viewing but side back allmost lookin over their shoulder and could barely see the screen behind the band. ( my inexperience with ticket master I suppose
Whoops, MY concert ignorance is showing. I avoid large crowds at all costs so concerts are way down on my list of things to do.

I can see $2500 back when they were at the top of the charts, but still you'd think $150 or so would've gotten you a decent seat.
...I can see $2500 back when they were at the top of the charts, but still you'd think $150 or so would've gotten you a decent seat.
OK, here's how old I am... Back in the day, $150 for a ticket WAS what equates to a $2500 seat today! I have to agree with the crowd thing - the only bands we see these days are gigging in small, general admission venues. Without all the BS going on all around you, you really get a much better show. Unfortunately, not too many bands or groups play those type of places anymore. Damn, it sure sucks to get old!
...I can see $2500 back when they were at the top of the charts, but still you'd think $150 or so would've gotten you a decent seat.
OK, here's how old I am...   Back in the day, $150 for a ticket WAS what equates to a $2500 seat today!   I have to agree with the crowd thing - the only bands we see these days are gigging in small, general admission venues.  Without all the BS going on all around you, you really get a much better show.  Unfortunately, not too many bands or groups play those type of places anymore.  Damn, it sure sucks to get old!
Your not old
Well it looks like kent's question has been answered.

Perhaps this one(thread) can sink peacefully to the bottom.

Lets get back to bikes,cars,contests,movies.....its way more fun.


I had no clue he could be gay back in the 80's. Every man wanted to be him because he got the ladies.. Today, I am 60 years old. I see dave and listen to him and yep, he is totally gay. Why on earth he doesn't come out? Probably because he doesn't think his macho rock crowd can handle it. A lot of his fans would like to kick a fagotts ass.. Seriously.. I feel bad for Dave if he is and has had to hide all this time. I respect the hell out of what he did in his career, but yep, the poor dude is gay and I am sure would love to just admit it, if he was not so afraid of the fallout.
Way to dig an old post up but better yet, way to have a 1st post for your self and use such a poor choice in words to express yourself.

No pie for you
Way to dig an old post up but better yet, way to have a 1st post for your self and use such a poor choice in words to express yourself.

No pie for you
I'm reading the comments as being sympathetic toward people who are unable to be open about their homosexuality. Maybe not carefully worded but I'll take honest and well meaning over carefully worded any day. I'd say the new member should go ahead and have a little pie. :D

I recently had a family member confide in me that they think they might be gay. They're waiting to figure it out before they are open about it (if they do in fact determine that they are gay). I don't see homosexuality as a choice, I believe it's a discovery. You're this or you're that or you're somewhere in between or it fluctuates throughout life. If you're heterosexual, that's typical so things more or less fall in line pretty easily.

If you ask me, DLR has always had effeminate aspects to his personality. Doesn't mean he's gay. He has hyper-masculine aspects to his personality as well. I've known gay people who were gender archetypes and I've known others who seemed to have the opposite personality of their physical gender. I can say the same thing for straight people I know.

How come I never got any pie? Where does one get this pie?
I'm reading the comments as being sympathetic toward people who are unable to be open about their homosexuality. Maybe not carefully worded but I'll take honest and well meaning over carefully worded any day. I'd say the new member should go ahead and have a little pie. :D

I recently had a family member confide in me that they think they might be gay. They're waiting to figure it out before they are open about it (if they do in fact determine that they are gay). I don't see homosexuality as a choice, I believe it's a discovery. You're this or you're that or you're somewhere in between or it fluctuates throughout life. If you're heterosexual, that's typical so things more or less fall in line pretty easily.

If you ask me, DLR has always had effeminate aspects to his personality. Doesn't mean he's gay. He has hyper-masculine aspects to his personality as well. I've known gay people who were gender archetypes and I've known others who seemed to have the opposite personality of their physical gender. I can say the same thing for straight people I know.

How come I never got any pie? Where does one get this pie?
Mythos sir, you get pie! ;)

My statement was about the non carefully choice of a word in there. Personally words don’t bother me as they do some people however, having 2 gay daughters who I would do anything for, I found his wording sad. It does not reflect the respect and candor that the family of this forum has for each other.
Mythos sir, you get pie! ;)

My statement was about the non carefully choice of a word in there. Personally words don’t bother me as they do some people however, having 2 gay daughters who I would do anything for, I found his wording sad. It does not reflect the respect and candor that the family of this forum has for each other.
Heck of a negative self introduction into an established forum such as ours...

One just never knows who is sitting behind a keyboard....

I know many people who live alternate lifestyles and frankly, who they go home to at night is none of my business.
I think the negative comments were used to convey the feelings of other people, not the person writing the passage. It can be tough to write third person in your first forum post. :laugh:

Mythos sir, you get pie! ;)
after all this time... :thumbsup: