Is my tire safe for another 50 miles?

i'd wondered how you guys were getting over 3-4thou out of a tire.. andn ow i know ... haha your just risking your life for 170$... not the brightest move IMO
2700 miles and it looked like THAT?
Im either doing something very WRONG or very RIGHT!!! I have 10000mi on a 1 1/2 year old bike with original battlaxes and its NOWHERE near that. Maybe a tire change for mid year this summer, but thats about it. I ride pretty freakin' hard and also drag it at least 3 nights a month at about 4-6 runs per night. Do a relatively short burnout if any. I let out a little pressure at the drags but run 42psi regularly. hmmm....

2700 miles and it looked like THAT?
Im either doing something very WRONG or very RIGHT!!!  I have 10000mi on a  1 1/2 year old bike with original battlaxes and its NOWHERE near that.  Maybe a tire change for mid year this summer, but thats about it.  I ride pretty freakin' hard and also drag it at least 3 nights a month at about 4-6 runs per night.  Do a relatively short burnout if any. I let out a little pressure at the drags but run 42psi regularly.  hmmm....
you've got to be kidding dude... no way are you serious about this!

i couldnt' get 10,000 miles out of a rear tire on the busa if I pushed it down the road with the motor idling... i'd still be lucky to break 3500 miles..


Yeah Darker, WTF? No way could I ever get anywhere near that milage out of a piece of meat.

Definately not callin ya a liar, I'm just mystified!

Maoz, now is the time to get a camera and SMOKE up that old piece of meat!
this is the tire on my bike

when i got the bike it had 10 k miles on it with the original tire.
i wouldn't off belived it my self but the bike was parked next door since new (old owner lived next door) so i got to see it all the time and he never replaced the tires
it looked very good when i got it.
after 25oo miles with me its toast on the sides and in the center.

picture is about what it looked like when i got it

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Get you a tire on there...I've had to ride with the thread showing but it was not by choice...Don't chance it...
On another note, if your tire has 10K on it there is no way it is a BT56J, there is NO way you are using the throttle in anger, nor are you riding hard...  Maybe the tire fairies are coming by and replacing them when your not looking... Something just don't make sense gentlemen...

But, say your tire has been on there since the beginning, it might survive because the rubber is so old and hard that it refuses to wear.  I would recommend replacing them anyway, bound to be crusty and hard as hell...

My only other thought would be your bikes are re-geared and your Odometers are way outta whack!


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Im tellin ya.....10K (actually 9800miles) Original battlax meat....
gcal,thanks for that account. At least im not the only one to have this happen and im not looking like a liar or wacko. Ive done it all on this tire: cruise, 2 up, 150mph+ blasts, SEVERAL dragway runs. Im talking at least 60-70 runs. Bike is stock drivetrain except PCIII, D and Ds, and pair mod. dynoed at 162rwhp. Could it be good tire pressure monitoring on my part that keeps them wearing well? Luck? I dont know!

But, Captain...Im pretty automotively and mechanically inclined...theres no hardness or rot issues...a 1 1/2 year old tire shouldnt cause concern for integrity especially when stored and maintained properly. And Im not the cheap guy who skimps and waits for stuff to break for me to replace it.

I can say one thing: Ill be replacing the battlaxes WITH battlaxes. I know everyones nuts about the 208s, but i cant argue with the results ive gotten even if the dunlops offer a little better grip. Remember, bridgestone designed those specific battlaxes for the Bus. I dont argue with the suzuki R and D guys who spend thousands of hours and millions of bucks to get the bike right.
On my original tires I got 4600 miles then the thread started to show. Just my experience and I was not always riding like an old lady.
Who put the miles on you or the previous owner? You said he did then you said you did?
I have 4938miles on mine right now and don't hit the throttle to hard in first because it just spins. My cords are showing and I need a new tire. If you ride as hard as you say you do then those aren't stock. Not trying to piss you off or call you a liar but it is a little far fetched isn't it?
I went for my yearly safety inspection yesterday and was failed for a bald rear tire.
Michelin Pilot Sport HPX only about 2000 miles on it still about 1 1/2 mm of meat in the middle.
What a bunch off donkeys, I hate when a 18 year old inspection tech is telling me what is what.
So I go elsewhere and tell them I just failed over at so and so place and tell them that I am a little pissed off and what do they think?
Any how they were nice and gave me my sticker.