Is the world crazy-or just me?

Thanks folks for the positive comments. I was beginning to think I was wrong to ride in the daytime with the high's on. Now I know I'm not gonna change a thing!
i think WE are crazy to think the world of those crazy people will ever have any sense in them to watch out for us.

Today morning itself while I was riding to work, one idiot changed lane right in front of me. I'm like 'how dumb you can be to do so? what if you had to slam brake? how much room would it have left me with to stop?'. I though of getting off my bike at the signal and give him some nice words...but finally decided against it...coz then I guess I have to yell at 90% of the drivers on road
Sounds like he was just trying to be a ****. JMO. However, I would have done the same thing as you did. I am alot smaller than you 5:8 180lbs I think I woulda got off the bike when he was willing to get out of his truck over a headlight. I probably would have been whooped but I woulda left with my brights still on lol.
My high beam stays on unless its night or if I can tell my light is in someones mirrors.
I've been in front of a bike with high beams on, and it can be annoying, but I understand the purpose. To deconflict the guys mood, "Hey dude, sorry if it bothered you, I'm just trying to be seen so I don't get taken out" might have helped. Better not to start a fight unless you are ready/willing/able to finish it....
High beam in the daylight for sure! Cagers are on their phones, texting, reading...doing make-up, drinking coffee, reading the paper or directions...or their gps just told them their need to turn now!! Do all you can to be seen!!!
Deffinatly highbeams during the day... Heck, most of the time its high beams at night...

I have even spoken with a dozen or so officers, including local cops, state boys, etc. about if it was legal, and if it was illegal did i risk getting pulled over...

The unanimous response was DO IT. Every single one said, during the day, totaly fine...

At night, while not legal (in my state of iowa) they said universally they would NEVER pull a bike over for doing it....

Riding with high beams was the first lesson i was actually taught by a friend of mine when i first got on two wheels, before i had even started the bike...
Stock head lights high beams in the day shouldn't bother anyone. I have had motorcycles in my rear view mirror when in a cage an the light from them doesn't bother me at all. HID's get in my mirror at night an i flip it or stop checking my rear view till they are gone.
Riding on high's at night up close has some drawbacks (especially HID's). Some people are very sensitive to bright lights while night driving (Lasik) and a realllly bright light could cause them to lose control (don't want that, either)...

Once you get about 45 degrees from a bike, the brightness of the light has no effect on visibility. It only helps you in head-on situations or when following.
I don't run the high beam during the day, but I did notice other taffic saw me much better when I went to the HID low beam!:thumbsup:
I'm a daylight high beam rider. The whole reason motorcycles are required by law to ride with a headlight lit up at all times is to be seen. high beam only at night if no other cars around for them to be blinded by it.
I toggle between the two beams....when i deem i'ts needed....entering suburbia.....or out in the boonies. The stock lowbeam on our Gen 1's is NOT very visible during daytime for sure.
here is my take on it. And this did work for me for many years.

If I am on the divided highway with light to normal traffic, I turn my headlight completely off. Everywhere else it's ON, but never the high beam.
Yeah, I've got a switch - works well for track days. Also good to turn the lights off whe traffic is light. Why? When you are doing mach-3, and a cop is hiding 1/2 mile down the road, and then he sees a single bright headlight, does the cop need to guess who is coming?

Here is the thing, the brighter your headlight, the more likely others notice... the bright headlight, but nothing else. The flip side of the bright headlight is that after another driver notices your headlight, they are comletely unable to see what kind of vehicle has this headlight, or at what speed this vehicle is traveling. More drivers yield to me when I ride without the headlight.

The fact that modern high beams (no matter what vehicle) blind other people - well you probably knew that before the incident. I also think the sudden bright light, even during day time, and even more so at night, often scares other people prompting them to do stupid things. I'd rather be invisible. Which is the case most of the time anyway when you are on a bike. At least, if others don't see you, you can predict their behavior. However, if they are spooked by the headlight, who knows what they are going to do.
I see it here in florida high beem on or the flashing headlight, thaat guy was mad because you were off work and having fun and he had to work!:laugh:
I don't know...High beams for sure, but it would be a tuff choice between leaving or kicking the #$#% out of that moron. :rofl:

I had a incident at the local ER entrance with a moron who wanted to confront me about his road rage, lucky for him he was close to getting help. :rofl:

It's like Zombieland out there, you gotta protect yourself! Rule #18 If a moron goes road rage on you, take'em down before they hurt you.