is there a??

Whats wrong with your parents? How in the hell did they let you spend all that money pissing it away playing with bikes etc. Your parents need a beat down which would then allow you to save the money for a rainy day later in life. When your older you will always regret blowing that money. I'm appalled that you actually blew all that money. Or that you were allowed to blow all that money. Do you live in a trailer park? I'm just asking out of curiosity.......I'm seriously blown away.
I figured I'd just scan this whole thing. This is the 0-180mph test from July '08 CycleWorld. The ZX-10r puts up some crazy numbers. Faster than any other test numbers I've seen for it.

right on:laugh:


while i do miss the busa's comfort and freeway torque, the power of this baby is unfreakingbelievable
i didnt waste it... i can sell all 3 bikes and still make about £10,000 probs more!!!!

my dad loves bikes... and i got the b-king off him, unforcnatly, my mum and dad arnt together any more and he lives in brighton... 20miles away, as a comunity officer...

still riding his police bike around tho :)

there is a vid of him, police man on a hayabusa

its on youtube...
i didnt waste it... i can sell all 3 bikes and still make about £10,000 probs more!!!!

my dad loves bikes... and i got the b-king off him, unforcnatly, my mum and dad arnt together any more and he lives in brighton... 20miles away, as a comunity officer...

still riding his police bike around tho :)

there is a vid of him, police man on a hayabusa

its on youtube...
And everyone knows that if it's on YouTube it's for rizzeal!! :rofl: