It happened to me

Pulled up to a red light one day, next to a convertible with two young ladies in the front. I smiled and said hi as I put down my foot to stop. My foot landed on loose gravel, and started to slide. I could only grimace as the bike slid slowly to the ground, my hands still on the grips. As I sat there red faced, the two ladies said "do you need any help?"
I said no, the light turned green, and I never saw the ladies again. I'm still bummed!
Yep been there done that. My 99 was sitting there Idling whilst I get my helmet on, it was night time, and as I am buckling the lid I notice the head light slowly sweeping across the drive. I think to myself, that is odd but at the same instance the synapses finally fire and then the OS factor kicks in. I grab her and slowly fight the big girl to the ground. The left side was buggered anyway. So, (oh yes this gets better) 2 days later and I am still sick about my misshap but I let my son ride it to some buddies house. I get the call a couple of hrs later. I go over there and this time it has fallen on the right side, all the plastic and the can, oh yes my Muzzy can. In the end crap happens but insurance pays. Took care of me nicely. Good luck and as the other guys said it does happen eventually to us all. Stay safe and have fun,Mike...
Thanks for all the support, all the comments have helped me feel better and some have me laughing.
I went out at lunch to look her over.
It's not to bad, but it just makes me sick to see the damage thats there.

Again thanks guys only this crowd would understand.:beerchug:
Yep, let a 750 Honda off a rear stand and over it went to the right with me on the left. Lucky, no damage and no witnesses.
Had a cheap LP front stand that had a bunch of weld spatter on the bottom of the upright. Duct taped over all the berries,, except one. Didn't think to put a towel over the fender of my new ZRX1200, let it off the stand, big honkin' scratch in the shiny green front fender.
It does happen to us all eventually.
Don't feel bad...thought it would never happen to me, but it did about three weeks ago and about broke my right foot as it fell away from me and on my foot...foot doubled in size, black and blue, lots of tissue damage, but fortunately I'm one of those supernatural healers. It was my own faul because I was in a HURRY backing it off the lift. Difference is I was able to get that b*t*h upright in about 5 seconds after falling...gotta love pissed off adrenaline.

I'm not entering my bike in Best of show anytime soon and afterall it's a freaking motorcycle. Scratches and stuff are gonna' happen.
I'm knocking on wood everytime I hear a story like this. But its been 4 years since I started riding, I've own 5 different bikes, still have 2 of them, and have yet to drop a bike.

Knocking on my desk as we speak.

Don't worry about it man. I know its gonna happen to me sooner or later, but like everyone said, it happens.
It happens to all of us sooner or later. Mine happened while servicing the Busa and had the rear up on the stand. Must have bumped the stand while working around her and as soon as I lifted the rear stand and leaned it over to the left down she went with me holding the stand in the right hand and the grab bar with the left. I couldnt seem to get my right hand to turn loose of the stand quick enough but just a few small scratches from little lay down. I said a few choice words, picked her up and went inside to have a few beers
This is part of how I got a really good deal on my '99 ... the previous owner left the bike in neutral , and turned his back one second ... and (in matrix-like slow motion) it started to fall ... he got under it , braced himself and stopped the bike from completing the fall . :thumbsup:

Although his knee caved in the left side of the tank ... I haven't gotten around to picking up a new one yet ... watching eBay like a hawk .
Difference is I was able to get that b*t*h upright in about 5 seconds after falling...gotta love pissed off adrenaline.


This reminds me of another story. However, this isnt a busa story, so any non-interested folk can read on.
This was when I was riding a dual sport dirtbike. It was junior year in high school. One day (Halloween to be specific) I was riding home, and tore through this dirt lot as a shortcut home. I did this every day during lunch, no problems. It is the Building Trades class compound where they build houses, but nothing was going on, the lot was empty. I went back to school after lunch. Coming home from work, I was tearing through this very same lot at night, as I knew there was nothing there. Well, I guess in the LAST period of the day after lunch, they had built up some kind of dirt foundation. It was 2 feet high and very slightly tilted (enough to make a ramp, and not a wall). I saw it last second, at 65 mph and had one of those matrix moments. A split second time frame seemed like hours. I contemplated stopping, but knew I would just lock up the brakes cus i didnt have enough time to stop, so i would hit it sliding, and **** myself even more. then i decided to brace myself and hit the thing. I held on to the bars tighter, and gripped the bike with my knees. I hit the thing and flew into the air. This thing was about 20 ft long, and I cleared it and then some. All was going well til I felt my feet touch down on top of the handlebars! I crashed, tumbled, slid, rolled, all kinda crap. That pissed off adrenaline kicked in, and I had the bike up and running again in less than 10 seconds (with a flooded engine and all!) I got on, and rode home, and when I stopped and tried to get off, putting my feet on the ground, I finally felt that I screwed up both ankles!

That pissed off adrenaline does wonders. I couldnt walk right for a couple weeks after this, but in the heat of the moment, i had it up and running, and rode home without even realising the damage I did to my ankles.
I dumped mine @ 50mph and was still able to compound and wax (about 20 coats haha) er back to new....had to replace the damn stator and mirror though....its all good bro,first one is always the hardest:beerchug:

This reminds me of another story. However, this isnt a busa story, so any non-interested folk can read on.
This was when I was riding a dual sport dirtbike. It was junior year in high school. One day (Halloween to be specific) I was riding home, and tore through this dirt lot as a shortcut home. I did this every day during lunch, no problems. It is the Building Trades class compound where they build houses, but nothing was going on, the lot was empty. I went back to school after lunch. Coming home from work, I was tearing through this very same lot at night, as I knew there was nothing there. Well, I guess in the LAST period of the day after lunch, they had built up some kind of dirt foundation. It was 2 feet high and very slightly tilted (enough to make a ramp, and not a wall). I saw it last second, at 65 mph and had one of those matrix moments. A split second time frame seemed like hours. I contemplated stopping, but knew I would just lock up the brakes cus i didnt have enough time to stop, so i would hit it sliding, and **** myself even more. then i decided to brace myself and hit the thing. I held on to the bars tighter, and gripped the bike with my knees. I hit the thing and flew into the air. This thing was about 20 ft long, and I cleared it and then some. All was going well til I felt my feet touch down on top of the handlebars! I crashed, tumbled, slid, rolled, all kinda crap. That pissed off adrenaline kicked in, and I had the bike up and running again in less than 10 seconds (with a flooded engine and all!) I got on, and rode home, and when I stopped and tried to get off, putting my feet on the ground, I finally felt that I screwed up both ankles!

That pissed off adrenaline does wonders. I couldnt walk right for a couple weeks after this, but in the heat of the moment, i had it up and running, and rode home without even realising the damage I did to my ankles.

LMAO...I actually put my cleats on (before it had the chance to swell up)jumped on the bike and made my way to play Wednesday night softball. HAd some beers afterwards and by morning even with ice and elevation it was huge...even larger the second day.