It is soul is gone.

I know it may be hard coming to this forum when you no longer have the busa, but you have alot of friends here who care about you. Hope you hang out with us some. Keep your head up, things will get better for you.
Sorry to hear this bro. Don't go off anywhere just cause you don't have a Busa now. We are family and that is what matters. You need us like we need you. Keep on logging on and offering your 2 cents every now and then. Keep your head up bro.:bowdown:
Life goes in waves and you're in a tough one. Just ride and next thing you know something good will come your way. Remember you always have a home here with friends that will listen :beerchug:.

Take care, Buddy.
I haven't seen you around here much, was wondering what was going on with you. I always remember back to the first post of yours I saw right after the Busa bit you and you showed the lovely pics of your skin in the aftermath.

We're in the same boat for 2009 my friend. I sold the Busa in March (primarily because I wanted to keep my license) and I just signed the "uncontested" (very important word here) divorce papers 10 days ago. All in all, I'm more focussed on work (which I need to be right now anyway) and I have a positive outlook regardless of my current situation. Look forward not backward, silver lining, life is too short, and all those other corny lines.

In all seriousness though, things will get better.
I hope everything turns around for you . Maybe you can get another at a later date . Best Wishes !! :thumbsup:
Sad to hear brother.
When God closes one door he opens another.
Things will get better, for sure.
Best wishes and good luck!
Been through a rough couple of years myself, take time to find yourself and don't rush into anything,we will still be here:beerchug:
Dayum, Paul. :down: Sorry to hear. You know you always have family here...don't be a stranger. Life is strange; throws us for a loop at times, but just keep looking to the future.
God never puts more on you than you can bare, hang in there, better things to come.
Lost your SOUL Paul ????....nope, unh-uhh.....not possible's God's and only on loan to us......we're just the caretakers.... :oldcool:
Wow! is all i can say. I wouldda never thought in my life you would be doing this! Take care and stop in once in a while. You dont have to leave us. We are family!

Good luck man...:beerchug:
Keep your head up brotha, I'm still here for ya. Whenever you make it out East in the States you have a place to rest your stinky azz feet. ??? Oh yeah bring your own shaving kit (inside old joke,remember).

Also, give little dude a hug for me and Pimp smack the X across the lips for me.