it is not worth buying a new bike anymore..

I don't have the luxury of paying in full for a bike. I'm a working guy with bills, that and I don't make a ton of cash. With buying bikes every 2 years and modding them your on the losing end of the sellers market. You will almost always lose your ass on a bike unless you leave them stock to improve your sales profit.
I always figured these were the reasons for buying a new Order:

1. You can finance it (usually at a great rate)

2. It has a warrantee

3. It is only available new (just have to have that new feature RIGHT NOW)

4 It has that factory newness to it (like no dirt...even on the tires)

5. You don't need to worry about how someone else treated it

That said, I buy used because that's all I can afford and I suck at making payments.