It rained all day.  What a perfect time for riding


Went to a motorcycle shop in Greensboro to find Kim some riding boots and she wanted to look at the gixxer 750. Well no boots to be found so we just started wander aimlessly throughout the dealership. A sales person eventually comes over to us and I ask my usual question regarding "any used dual sports". I've posted a few time regarding my desire for a decent dual sport. I've been lusting after a DRZ400 for a while anyway. Anyhow, the sales girl directs my attention to a blue motorcycle sitting outside. Low and behold a 2001 DRZ400. I ask how much, expecting the worst, and she responded $3500. Ok, That peaked my interest. Went outside to give it a look see. 297 total miles, yosh full pipe, Moose racing bark busters, and new knobbies. In PERFECT shape.

At that point I'm thinking, nope, cant do it, need to finish paying off the credutcards, etc. But Then Kim looks at me, with her blue eyes and says, "You want me to go get a check from the car". Is anyone else blessed with such a wonderful women?

Needless to say we weren't prepared to buy a bike (60 miles from home, wearing shorts, no helmet, etc) so we came back the next day and trucked it home.

So far It has rained for 3 days and the busa hasn't been cranked in 4. Glad I can now ride (and have fun riding) in all weather.

I have only laid it three times in less than 48 hours. I guess my motocross skills have suffered in my off season. My last dirt bike was a Yammi WR200 2 stroke that I sold in 1999. At that time I could ride the snot out of it. You know,...come down from a jump a little out of shape...correct it, gag it and go on, no problem. NOW, comming down for landing out of shape results in crashes. Luckily no high speed crashes yet...knock on wood.

To sum it up..I'm tired, sore, out of shape, scraped up and bruised. But I'm having a blast trying to re-figure the whole learning curve thing.

Just thought I'd share, Chris
gratz-- I've always loved going crazy in the dirt-- specialy in the air and mud. I even enjoyed my all my crashes as I had a heck of a time trying a new stunt(usually trying to get a great tabletop).

Have fun and be safe!
Thanks guys. Another added bonus with this bike is it's street legal. The people around here (old, retired, entitled, slow cadalic driving, golfers) have been trying to get rid of dirt bike/4wheeler riders for some time, usually by calling the police. We used to have trails extending in all directions from my home. Now there are several new developments (gated communities) on two sides of my property. Now I can ride the trails some, hop out on the road some and then get back into the woods without anyone being able to hassle me, including the police. Way cool.

A side note. The insurance is MORE than the busa every 6 months. Go figure.

right on toys RULE.

Awesome "Life-Partner" too.

Yer a lucky boy....

Ride the heck outa it....

A side note. The insurance is MORE than the busa every 6 months. Go figure. [/QUOTE]

What's that? That is indeed interesting...I didn't think it was anything out there more to insure...
Ride safe...