((((hugs)))) Take care of you first!!!! The other will follow even if you are not in the shape you want to be yet. Food is NOT your friend!! Eating is not an activity. It is a source of fuel for your body and that is it. Once you start thinking differently about food, it will be easier to control the emotional eating. Lots of great suggestions on getting over the hump so far!!! Find a hobby that is active. Last but not least, sometimes we just have to suck it up and exercise! I know, I hate it with a passion, but I have come to understand that the body needs to produce energy to function properly. That's why I LOVE my Wii!!!!! I only buy games that are activity based. I also keep some little hand weights on the coffee table and use them when I am watching TV sometimes too. Doing 10 min boughts of exercise 4-5 times a day will help also. Instead of one spike in the endorphin levels you get several through out the day, not to mention, your metabolism will be raised as well. Take care, winter blues suck. I don't "suffer" from them, but as BusaWhipped has stated he does, so I do too.