Its setting in deep already

or you could do like me and move to florida. i'll be moving in march and can't wait to leave winter behind for good. eventhough the winters here in ky aren't bad its the whole principle of the thing.

+1 to Florida!
Weather was a beautiful 70 degrees with a clear sky last night. Plus we have lots of hot chicks.
I wish I had someone around here to workout with. A fellow "fatty" I guess ya could say. I was doin good before joggin & it had me PUMPED at my progress. Started week1 not even able to jog 1/4 mile. And by week 3 I was up to a mile. Stopped shortly after that cuz my left knee started to hurt......this was due to me usin OLD runnin shoes. I haven't jogged since cuz I just haven't gotten around to buyin new shoes. I've made myself a promise to get some this weekend tho.

I'm an emotional eater tho so the problem kind of compounds itself when it gets worse
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You should do something that is less impact than running/jogging. Biking, eiptical... Your knees will thank you for it.
Try running on the dry sand (if you live near the beach), its alot easier on the bones & it really gets your cardio goin' !
With the chix, my bro always told me its not how you look ... its wat you say (come across), and its true, he's rollin' in em & he looks like he fell outta the ugly tree and got slapped by every branch on the way down.
As a (dead) friend once told me when i was a kid "dont worry bout what you look like, just worry bout what they look like" ... miss u Deano.
When I feel down I nibble carrots and stare at the mountains. Sometimes I go to the overpass bridge & spit on cars as they drive underneath, that seems to work for me ! :thumbsup:
With the chix just be confident, chix are like sharks they can sense 1pt of desperation in 1million parts of water !
I hope I've cheered ya somewat ..... :beerchug:
((((hugs)))) Take care of you first!!!! The other will follow even if you are not in the shape you want to be yet. Food is NOT your friend!! Eating is not an activity. It is a source of fuel for your body and that is it. Once you start thinking differently about food, it will be easier to control the emotional eating. Lots of great suggestions on getting over the hump so far!!! Find a hobby that is active. Last but not least, sometimes we just have to suck it up and exercise! I know, I hate it with a passion, but I have come to understand that the body needs to produce energy to function properly. That's why I LOVE my Wii!!!!! I only buy games that are activity based. I also keep some little hand weights on the coffee table and use them when I am watching TV sometimes too. Doing 10 min boughts of exercise 4-5 times a day will help also. Instead of one spike in the endorphin levels you get several through out the day, not to mention, your metabolism will be raised as well. Take care, winter blues suck. I don't "suffer" from them, but as BusaWhipped has stated he does, so I do too. :whistle:
((((hugs)))) Take care of you first!!!! The other will follow even if you are not in the shape you want to be yet. Food is NOT your friend!! Eating is not an activity. It is a source of fuel for your body and that is it. Once you start thinking differently about food, it will be easier to control the emotional eating. Lots of great suggestions on getting over the hump so far!!! Find a hobby that is active. Last but not least, sometimes we just have to suck it up and exercise! I know, I hate it with a passion, but I have come to understand that the body needs to produce energy to function properly. That's why I LOVE my Wii!!!!! I only buy games that are activity based. I also keep some little hand weights on the coffee table and use them when I am watching TV sometimes too. Doing 10 min boughts of exercise 4-5 times a day will help also. Instead of one spike in the endorphin levels you get several through out the day, not to mention, your metabolism will be raised as well. Take care, winter blues suck. I don't "suffer" from them, but as BusaWhipped has stated he does, so I do too. :whistle:

Awww man! Hugz to all of you in the cold weather!!
Does it help when us year long rider post pics while we tanning on the beach with the 1/2 naked chicks eying us and our bikes on the boardwalk or does it make it worse??? Cause if it's the latter I will refrain from posting any our winter pics here. For those taking a break from riding sorry to hear it. But snow mobiles are supposed to be a lot of fun too an you can always use the cold as a good excuse to warm up with your favorite snow bunnies :thumbsup:
Does it help when us year long rider post pics while we tanning on the beach with the 1/2 naked chicks eying us and our bikes on the boardwalk or does it make it worse??? Cause if it's the latter I will refrain from posting any our winter pics here. For those taking a break from riding sorry to hear it. But snow mobiles are supposed to be a lot of fun too an you can always use the cold as a good excuse to warm up with your favorite snow bunnies :thumbsup:

Come to find out today that in January I along with about 120 other workers will be losing my job. I'll assuredly stay a member after I lose the bike but can't guarantee how much i'll be on
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Come to find out today that in January I along with about 120 other workers will be losing my job. I'll assuredly stay a member after I lose the bike but can't guarantee how much i'll be on
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Sorry to hear that Red. Wish you luck on the upcoming job search.
I know you don't want to move cause of staying close to the family, but maybe this recent news is a good thing. There is something great out there for you and now you have incentive to find it. Go out to and throw your resume out there and see what comes up!!!! :) Wishing you the best!!!!!
Does it help when us year long rider post pics while we tanning on the beach with the 1/2 naked chicks eying us and our bikes on the boardwalk or does it make it worse??? Cause if it's the latter I will refrain from posting any our winter pics here. For those taking a break from riding sorry to hear it. But snow mobiles are supposed to be a lot of fun too an you can always use the cold as a good excuse to warm up with your favorite snow bunnies :thumbsup:

Your a bad bustard ! :rofl:

The guy feels miserable enuf already !!

I held back on the story of the two stunners I went home wif last nite !
who says i'm sittin around too much? You don't know me, you don't know what I do. I never once gave any notion that I just sit around. I don't appreciate that much
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Come to find out today that in January I along with about 120 other workers will be losing my job. I'll assuredly stay a member after I lose the bike but can't guarantee how much i'll be on
Posted via Mobile Device

Are you a seasonal worker or is this just more good news on our economic recovery ? Look at it like this; you have several months to find a job, and let's just hope you'll land an even better one :thumbsup: