it's snowing


i know it! i dreamed of it the other night. i knew it was gonna happen. kinda strange i didn't smell it. i uasually smell the snow before it flys, but not this year. i got home from the bar and noticed the skys were pink and it was misting. my wife had said earlier when she got home from work (10pm) that the sky was pink,and it was going to snow but i didn't beleve her. shure enough, i just went outside with the dog and its snowing. tiny little flakes. almost like hail. bit really tiny. a misting of snow.

:duh: oh darnit! i parked the harley outside, gonna wash it tomarrow.

guess it is time to start parking all the bikes inside at night.:down:
SNOW ??????????????????
Omg I can't believe it.

Spring came in such a slow approaching manner and BAM summer's over in a flash :unhappy:
well it didn't stick, didn't even collect. turned back into rain before the sun came up. :cheerleader:
trees are beginning to change, hunting season in full ka-bang. it seems like this summer went by really fast.
im just not ready for winter yet.
Got snowed on yesterday as we went over Carson Pass at 8500 ft.

Sort of a hail / snow mix. :cheerleader:

Last ride of the season in 3 weeks.
yes, it's sunny and warm in someplaces and cold and snowy in other. Some are gearing up for spring and some are prepping for the fall. I'm just not ready for winter yet. To bad I can't do some work in Australia for the next 6 months...