I've done the UNTHINKABLE!!!!!! Yes I have:


Got a deal too good to refuse and decided to go to the Dark side, at delivery today:



I hope you guys and gals don't mind if I still hang around, because I still like the Busa just as much and more importantly, I really like the forum and it's inhabitants.

It doesn't matter what you ride, just as long as you ride. We'll slow down and let you keep up.:laugh:
You've got ballz o steel postin them there pics on this here site...???
But yeah as long as you're riding mad props to ya bro, lord kniows we ned to feed our Busas something, thanks for proviiding the snacks..:rofl::rofl::poke: and congrats! Ride it like ya stole it!:thumbsup:
Nice ride!!! I was ALMOST thinking about one when I got my K8. I just didn't have the balls to admit it. You're more of a man than me!!! :bowdown: Ride safe!
Thanks for the replies, and the digs in the ribs, you guys make me :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I'll be hanging in, keeping up with the Busa world. Wouldn't miss it.
It doesn't matter what you ride, just as long as you ride. We'll slow down and let you keep up.:laugh:

You are still on 2 wheels (not counting the training wheels):rofl::rofl::rofl:

You are welcome here, we just like to :poke: fun sometimes,
ride safe :thumbsup:
Nice bike man! Let us know what you think of the handling and all that jazz. There aren't too many of us on here that actually get to ride both. Is it an 08?
I did the same thing 2 months ago. Picked up an 06 at a bargain price. I was looking for a used Busa but couldnt find the one I wanted at the price I wanted to pay and then this ZX popped up sooooo. Anyway, as you probably already know it is very similar to a Busa. And you are right about one thing for sure THIS IS THE BEST FORUM PERIOD. I still lurk. I am waiting for the 09 Suzuki and Kawasaki bikes. I may be back on a Busa next year. Good luck with your ZX. Were they all out of red ones...ha !!!

Nice bike actually.. fact is you have the one of the top 2 hyperbikes built, still a rather exclusive club and really do not care what kind of bike you have... Just be safe and we will wait for you up around the corner..

(oh and if my friends pull up, act like you dont know me...) :rofl:
Got a deal too good to refuse and decided to go to the Dark side,


uhmmm...I'd find it very easy to refuse a deal where I end up poking myself in the eyes saying "aaahhh!!! Scary beast hurts my eyeballs! I think its growing GILLS or something!? WHHHHOOOAAAA!!! WTF just flew by me?! "

oh-it was a guy on a Busa:whistle:

*you'll know if its me, cuz I'll reach over n flip yer killswitch on my way by, then wave like this:welcome: as I speed on by*:thumbsup:

ride safe, keep the rubber side down and let us all know if our brake lights are functioning properly:beerchug:
Has anyone seen my barf-bag?


Just kidding, yo. Lots of hysteria here about your purchase, but don't worry...you're family; and everyone knows every family has a funny uncle.
