Jet Li and Lotus on US 129 Photo Highlights Vote for Him

Got mine again, I tried the ctrl + R thing and my screen got so zoomed in on the us129 site that I cant even read it now, And it wont got back down, Dont know what I did
Got mine again, I tried the ctrl + R thing and my screen got so zoomed in on the us129 site that I cant even read it now, And it wont got back down, Dont know what I did

Try crl-r.
Hope that you are doing well with all the weather in your area! Call if you still have my number and let me know how you are! Have you talked to our friend lately??

Jet - Nice ride, if I were to buy a car, that is the one I would purchase!
WAR DAMN EAGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Take care and Ride safe!
Try crl-r.
Hope that you are doing well with all the weather in your area! Call if you still have my number and let me know how you are! Have you talked to our friend lately??

Jet - Nice ride, if I were to buy a car, that is the one I would purchase!
WAR DAMN EAGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Take care and Ride safe!

War Eagle

Thanks for all the help everyone, you folks rock. Gonna smoke that Vette!!
pretty sure you have this one wrapped up...over 1300 votes to the 2nd place 700 something.
Try crl-r.
Hope that you are doing well with all the weather in your area! Call if you still have my number and let me know how you are! Have you talked to our friend lately??

Jet - Nice ride, if I were to buy a car, that is the one I would purchase!
WAR DAMN EAGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Take care and Ride safe!

Horry CRAP! Its BUBBA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Duuude where ya been my friend!:laugh:???

Try crl-r.
Hope that you are doing well with all the weather in your area! Call if you still have my number and let me know how you are! Have you talked to our friend lately??

Jet - Nice ride, if I were to buy a car, that is the one I would purchase!
WAR DAMN EAGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Take care and Ride safe!

Guess I'm gonna have to teach you how to say ROLL TIDE ROLL!:laugh:
Just voted 20 times. need to take a break for 10 minutes to make lunch. So glad I do not have school tonight. I can stay and vote for at least 5 hours straight now.
i definatly just spent a half an hour closing the page and reloading to vote for jet-li

although jet-li could always just pick up the vette and carry it to the water....
Voted again.... Its addicting.... Its like i cant stop..... Voteing.... For...... Awsomeness!!!! .... Aaaarggghhhh!!!!! Muuuhaahaahaa!!
I wont be at fall bash so neener neener ..... Oh and 3131 muuuhahaha