let it go
All I have to say is read my original post, I have not or would never  embellish my story, If the dealer feels they can get out of this by typing a 2 paragraph , " I didnt say that " and you guys choose to believe them, then I picked the wrong post. Honda/Suzuki world knew where I bought my bike because the service writer had it written next to my name on the schedule. No trouble was started until the owner came out and asked the service writer whos bike that was. Why in the world would I go in there saying bad things about my dealership, the only thing I ever said about my dealership while in honda/suzuki world was that they couldnt get me in until august so they told me to try your dealership to see if you could fit me in earlier... I have nothing bad to say about MTR Racing so for honda/suzuki world to try and turn this around then good for them. On the other hand , my wife posted her own thoughts on this confrontation and if you believe that I would make up a story, and then ask my wife to write a story to cover up mine, that is wrong. I stand by my story 100 %. I am not the type of person to tarnish others thru spoken words or typed words for that matter. And no sled I didnt write them a vulgar letter. That is not how I handle things, even in my original post I only used exact language that was used in the store. I left there vowing never to use their company again and stand by that....   john

I don't thjink anyone is doubting you at all. It is just that not much you can do with service reps with the dealer saying what they did. Best thing is don't ever give athem any business.
well rsd, you had a little tarnish down there but its all gone, Guess your a hard one to figure out and i guess im cut from the same sarcasm cloth, so everything is cool and hopefully its as you would say it.. bunch of fuggin fug, fug them , fug us, fug the whole fug fug, fugger fug fuggi and so forth... peace out
hey fellow purple people eater-- I never doubted ya and I'm glad the situation didn't turn worse. Peace amigo.


p.s. you got a good lady standing at yur side!
Done, I read it, and I am afraid that something doesn't match up here. It isn't that I don't believe you, but I am anal, and I read very carefully. The problem is just that I read both your original post and your wife's post, and something doesn't match. And when you add the dealer's response, it makes me think that perhaps there are two sides to every story.

Here is the deal. Your post told a very detailed story, and according to the post, it all happened in front of your wife and kids. This is all happening in front of my kids and wife who followed me up there to pick me up while the bike was getting serviced[/QUOTE]

But then you say that your wife actually went to the rest room. ...........well my wife and daughter had gone to the bathroom and I started walking my way to the door but there was what looked like a hallway, [/QUOTE]

And she must have missed the initial blow-up because upon exiting the restroom, My wife is just coming out of the bathroom and asks what all the screaming is about, I told her what happened and she  says your kidding, [/QUOTE]

If she had to ask what the screeming is about, she could not have witnessesd the important few seconds in which all of this took a bad turn. It really wasn't important where your wife was till she spoke up as a witness to the incident. It got my attention when she took the time to write a post. In it she said:

I would like to tell you all that I was witness to the 90 percent of what happened from a seemingly pleasant dropping off of Johns bike, to my daughter and myself witnessing what I myself considered a verbal assault on him and my son .........
....................everything that he wrote in his first letter to you, was 100 % true and no matter what they may say in a rebuttal.[/QUOTE]

That is clearly a loving wife. Unfortunately that statement isn't supported by the fact that during a lot of this, she was in the restroom and upon exiting, had to ask what happened. I am sure she walked out to a verbal assault, but it sounds like it was pretty heated in both directions, and I don't think she was a witness to how it all started.

So I don't know what the truth is. My guess is that the dealer was a bit irritated due to bad blood with his competitor and they took it out on you. My guess is that you reacted to that as well. It escalated, and there you have it.

The bottom line is that you are not just today's customer, you are tomorrow's potential customer. They should have been professional representatives for Suzuki and treated you with respect.

Its all good. I support you in your boycot. I just warn you to becareful of such posts. Make sure that the facts match because some of us are just anal.

The bottom line is that you are not just today's customer, you are tomorrow's potential customer. They should have been professional representatives for Suzuki and treated you with respect. [/QUOTE]

Hey G,
 Your bottom line is correct...ah, you are kinda anal though...
Ride safe...