John Cusack = Nutjob

Busacruise...if my wife reads what u said about "view or Dr Phil" your days are limited:laugh:

Who isn't sick of Hollywood types pizzing down on other people? I will never forgive Jane Fonda for what she did in N. Vietnam...EVER. This is what happens to people who become entitled with huge amts of money thrown to them for doing a they became America's annoited or Royalty is so far out of my grasp that I can't even address it...I begin to stutter it upsets me so:rofl::rofl:
Ironically, Cusack has just been signed to play Edgar Allen Poe in "The Raven", a movie about a serial killer who uses Poe's stories as inspiration for his killing spree.

I think the script got to head.. :whistle:
Too bad, he is a good actor.

I'll add him to the list just below Sean Penn!
Let's just look at hollywood for a second...

It's about lies, deception, and illusions...they call that the "magic" of hollywood.

The "values" they promote include sleeping around constantly, glorifying oneself,
killing, violence, money, greed and anything else that will sell a movie.

And you guys find it odd that people that live and work in this environment
support the Obamanation.... ??? It fits A GLOVE.

Hollywood is the work and product of who....God...or Satan.
Think about it...

Yeah there are a few actors with with outstanding character but I think
they are the VAST exception not the rule.
ive gotten to where i dont hardly watch any movies anymore just because im so sick of these actors crap