Busacruise...if my wife reads what u said about "view or Dr Phil"...man your days are limited
Who isn't sick of Hollywood types pizzing down on other people? I will never forgive Jane Fonda for what she did in N. Vietnam...EVER. This is what happens to people who become entitled with huge amts of money thrown to them for doing a job...how they became America's annoited or Royalty is so far out of my grasp that I can't even address it...I begin to stutter it upsets me so
Who isn't sick of Hollywood types pizzing down on other people? I will never forgive Jane Fonda for what she did in N. Vietnam...EVER. This is what happens to people who become entitled with huge amts of money thrown to them for doing a job...how they became America's annoited or Royalty is so far out of my grasp that I can't even address it...I begin to stutter it upsets me so