Juggler mirror extensions installed...

I painted mine flat and they came out great and are lasting just fine.

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Don't know of a sponspor that carries 'em, but Juggler, who is a member of this board sells 'em. I got mine from him. Find his posts in this thread and click the PM button to hit him up about a set.
Hey Juggler,

Your extensions are great. Sorry that I bought mine through Thinker's buddy before you released yours
Anyway, I have two club members who are interested in the ones you have. Could you hit me with a PM or email with ordering info. Thanx.

To be honest, when I first saw your pics, i felt like i was looking at the geeky kid with big ears!!!!!! I know they must work......i've been marveling at just how little I can see with the stock ones!!!!! Thanks for posting the other pics train......they are definately growing on me!!!!
To be honest, when I first saw your pics, i felt like i was looking at the geeky kid with big ears!!!!!! I know they must work......i've been marveling at just how little I can see with the stock ones!!!!! Thanks for posting the other pics train......they are definately growing on me!!!!
See, now, you just had to go and make fun of my girl didn't ya?

Just kiddin'... Actually, in person you prolly wouldn't even notice that the extensions were there unless you actually looked for them. The only time they're really obvious is when you are in the saddle and lookin' in the mirrors. When you can actually see behind you, you KNOW they're there.

Now this is funny!!!!!! After taking that 1000 mile ride, and realizing that I was indeed blind while riding, I had to find this thread again. Thanks again for posting those pics BT.................now I've just got to have them!!! I'll pm Juggler to get a set.
I got IT!!!  Sand blast them bastards, put a light texture on em'  *BAM* Instant satin finish....

BTW, I still think you all are spending WAAAAAYY too much time worrying about whats behind you...  If your riding properly, it's all about whats ahead of you.  Just ask Oracle...

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Revlis, Revlis, Revlis....as the driver of the fastest color, I am surprised at your comment. Yes whats in front of you is usually more important. But on a busa, it is so much fun to see Z-10s, Z-12s, Vipers, Corvettes, Ferraris etc etc in your review mirror. With those extensions you get an even greater panoramic view of the busas "leave em in the dust" power. Moreover, you'll have more "rear view peripheral vision" with which to see the law enforcement folks trying to catch up with you....not to mention the greater potential to spot some dope crazed teenager about to rear end you.
has anyone heard from juggler ?

i've been trying to raise him and order a pair of the spacers but am afraid he is laying in a ditch some place...........

as for looking back, i try to remember one thing :

as we hurtle into the future, our past is all that will remain...it's good to look back and see what we have done.......mirrors are good thing: you cannot hide your eyes in them.