Just a few shots from last weekend

I wish I could take pics that good... must need better camera :laugh: in the mean time.. I can at least play with good shots huh?

Thanks for the photochop fix. I took that shot on my best friends porch in Alaska, leaning back on the farthest railing because the bird was so close. It was one of those quick "Get the camera" moments.
Nice shot of the godson Bubba.

That 28-135 was my first lense.

I'm also not a fan of editing photos as I strongly prefer to get it right in camera if conditions warrant. On the other hand, even Ansel Adams did a lot of dodging and burning in the conventional darkroom to produce the art he did.

My current philosophy is do the best I can with the camera, then if necessary utilize the tools available to me in the digital darkroom to produce the type of image that suits my needs.

Nice editing work, Mr. Bogus.