Let's see. I know I've been MIA for awhile. Life has been crazy the past year and a half.
(Re)Met a guy from college and we've been going strong for 16 months. (Sorry guys I know your hearts are broken). We ride a lot... (I actually taught him how to ride).. and I seem to work on the DR a lot.. but the R6 is racking up some miles.
Started running Last January. Ran my first 5K in March. Ran my first 10K in April (After returning from a week in Jamaica). I will be running my first half marathon this January 26th with my new lil running partner (see attachment)
Yep.. That's what you think it is. I done went and got myself knocked up. (I just figured it would happen before I was almost 40!) Due in mid June. (Did everyone enjoy the tour of my uterus? This parasite has a HUGE BRAIN!!)