Just got my 2005 Busa 1 week ago. Bought it used with 2000 miles on it. It is my first big bore bike and it's great. I hit full throttle today in second gear starting at 2500 RPM's and the front wheel did not come off the ground. I was kinda surprised beacuase I thought the power would have popped it right up. Is this normal from such a low RPM start point, or do might I have a tune up problem. Also I took it to the highway and gassed her in fourth and the check oil light flashed at me when I was realy on it. It turned off as soon as I let off a bit. I checked the oil and it is just a hiar under full. Is the light a normal thing for a Busa. Other than that I love the bike. Have ever since I first layed eyes on it. Finaly got the wife convinced that I had to have one. They are gorgeous. Glad to see there are more than one Busa fan out there. Thanks in advance. See you on the black top. Gabe