Just Got It


Donating Member
Just got my 2005 Busa 1 week ago. Bought it used with 2000 miles on it. It is my first big bore bike and it's great. I hit full throttle today in second gear starting at 2500 RPM's and the front wheel did not come off the ground. I was kinda surprised beacuase I thought the power would have popped it right up. Is this normal from such a low RPM start point, or do might I have a tune up problem. Also I took it to the highway and gassed her in fourth and the check oil light flashed at me when I was realy on it. It turned off as soon as I let off a bit. I checked the oil and it is just a hiar under full. Is the light a normal thing for a Busa. Other than that I love the bike. Have ever since I first layed eyes on it. Finaly got the wife convinced that I had to have one. They are gorgeous. Glad to see there are more than one Busa fan out there. Thanks in advance. See you on the black top. Gabe
Congrats .. and Welcome to the org!

Most people that enjoy bringing up the front end, typically get it up around the 5k rpm range.. or so I've read~ The bike is powerful, but also heavy~ It'll take a bit of work to get it off the ground.. unless it's been modifed as such~
The oil light thing sounds like something I'd have checked out~ I can see it kicking on if your oil level was down a quart or more.. but if it was just barely below the full mark, I don't think the power from take off would have dropped it enough to make the light come on~ Could be nothing.. but I'd look further into it if I was you~ Not a mechanic here.. just my opinion~
Weeee lcome! The front does come easy under hard accelz. It is alway coming up for me hitting the top of the on ramps going from 2nd to 3rd, just a gently (hehe) popup.

Be careful, and again Welcome.
Thanks guys, I appreciate the help. Just makes me want to get the general matenence done earlier, how knows how well the last guy took care of it. Thanks for the info on the wheelies to, I personaly don't care for one wheel action but it is a good thing to know when it will happen. Take it easy
Welcome to the board, you have found one if not the best board on the web IMHO. I was curious, when you ck'ed the oil did you make the bike level and look at the sight glass. My concern would be you may have ck'ed it leaning over which could mean that it was possibly overfull. This could aireate the oil and may cause problems. Any way good luck and if you can't wheelie it then
I pulled the bike up, but it is hard to tell perfect level. I have just come to decide that I want to get the oil changed and go full synthie anyway. So hopefully it will take care of my problem. It only did it once that I have noticed so maybee it was a fluke. Anyway my body is grabbing his new off the floor busa today, during thunderstorms mind you....of course, so at least I will be able to glance at his owners manual. That's the problem buying used, they never give you everthing you want. Thanks, talk to you later. Gabe
my 05 oil light came on 2 times(at idle and low speed) at around 300 miles(was a little low) added 1/2 quart ,did not come back on.changed to synthetic at 500 miles and now have 1200 miles ,have not seen light since.
Welcome to the board... If your getting your oil light coming up, and you have bought a used bike, I suggest you take it to a good mechanic ... get the oil level topped up and do a general check up of the bike.

As far as the wheel coming up... well if throttle application is smooth and progressive, then the bike will not come up