My older son heard on the radio
( Nova Scotia Canada )
the cops were going
to charge a husband
and wife under the
Health Provisions Act
for not following the social distancing -
while they were in their car . . . ! ! !
Apparently the cop's supervisor
came to their rescue and
dropped the charges .
Imagine if that one stuck . . .
We would get charged for
being in our house together . . .
There is going overboard
and then there is this . . .
#GoodTimeToBeAlive ~ #LivingInTheEndTimes ~ #Protesters ~ #THEoRg *
Michigan Armed Protesters | Politics
Protesters in Michigan are showing up armed to the tee. They claim they are not trying to intimidate, but we all know that's B.S. Anyway there is some interesting history relative to armed protests and when the NRA supported gun control...
#CoViD19 ~ #JustHereCopingWithTheCoronaVirusToday *
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