Just Joined The Hayabusa Family

Very exciting time for you...Welcome to the Busa family.
Hey ChiTown, I guess we're neighbors. I'm about a mile from Naperville city limits. We'll have to hook up for a ride when the weather breaks. This cold weather sucks, but it allows time for mods and dreaming of spring. I've got a pile of mods in my basement to get on before spring. Welcome aboard.
Welcome. And good deal on getting the R6 first. I definately feel that you should have at least some experience on a smaller less powerful bike before you move up to the King. It will make you a better rider. And you can always keep the R6 as a canyon racer/stunt bike/track-day bike etc. Wish i had two bikes but not currently. And if you have to get rid of the R6, you at least now you have the King. Be careful!

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Welcome to the board, and congrats on the bike. Like they said, put it in you living room and start getting rid of those reflectors.
Welcome and congrats! Post some pics when you get it unpacked! I think you're one of the first to have an '04 on here, or those new owners haven't been posting pics!

Welcome to the board. A good starting point, while your waiting for warmer weather, is to start reading. Read the cached topics for new riders. Read Keith Code's book "Twist of the wrist", 1 and 2 (2 is a better book, IMHO). Just might save your life and some skin. Have a good one. Chris
congrats on the busa welcome aboard... i know how you feel waiting on the weather... here in ky..
  hee hee  And congrats!

I spend some of my riding days chasing around an '03 R6.  That thing is just too fast.  Just as I get on his tail in the straight away, here come the twisties and he's gone again.  It's a constant game of cat and mouse.  I hate to say who's the cat but it's fun anyway.  

'Busa's a totally different animal...best of luck with it, you're gonna fall hook, line, and sinker just like the rest of us!  

And yeah what they said, get her built, take her home and strip her!  Reflectors...off, stickers...off, fender...chop chop, etc.

Have fun!

Welcome to the board all the new people.. oh wait... thats me to.. I like talking to myself... I like welcoming myself... I like..... Wellll welcome to the board everyone...

I would hate to be living up north or back east... it is too cold for me to enjoy a ride and it is 46 deg right now.... Sounds like a lot of you out there would die to have it 46 deg so you could ride... buurrrrrr, I think I will just stay in my car, at least until the sun comes out... I haven't seen the sun since last Sunday, has been overcast, drizzles and just.... nasty weather not fit for man or my ex-mother in-law... oh way, I think that is how that went... or something close...
Congrat,s on the new BUSA! Smart move riding the 6 for a while before getting the Bus, a friend of mine got
used 99 busa, for his very first bike, he,s had it for over a year now, and he,s still terrified of it, hell, who wouldn,t be. Like the old saying goes u gota learn 2 crawl b 4 u can walk or something like that. WELCOME 2 the club!
Hey Chitown,
Can you get any pictures of it still in the crate? That would make a cool one to post on here, I have not seen one still in the crate on here.
I don't have any pictures of it in the crate. I have to run over to the dealership on Thursday. I'll bring my camera with and see if I can't get any quick shots of it. It's in there warehouse, so I don't know how good of a shot I'll be able to get.
Hopefully you can get some good shots of it in the crate. I wish I could have gotten some of my '03 in the crate but, I did not have a camera with me and I did not think that far ahead. Good luck!

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