just keep it real


Donating Member
i think we need to add a BS section where we can here all the crap people let fly out of their mouths. Like today went riding with some people off STLAR.com and i get home and go to my buddies house to wash the busa. So i'm like man you should have come riding with us (all excited). I was like we were in the twisties and the signs said 45 but we went through at 70-80 mph. I was feeling good cause i wore my tires to the end, well 1/8 inch from the end, but anyway. He's like is that it, i went through a turn that said 55 at 150, and some other people i ride with went through at 180 and im looking at his back tire and he has like and inch of damn untouched surface where it has never come in contact with the road, then i get to thinkin when i was doing 170 it was hard as hell to change lanes let alone hit a corner. So im thinkin what the fuk man why does he have to feed me this crock of bs like im one of these curb monkies he has to tell a lie to to get some. So i just acted like i didnt hear him and told him next time I went id come and get him, so i can whip his chicken strip having tail in some twisites. Does anyone else have any BS stories they heard recently, had to tell someone cause that just pissed me off.

please brothers share your tales of BSary
hmm...one story of BS? Lemme see...oh yeah! That would be when I asked the local dealer here (on Guam) if he knew about the 40th Anniversay Ed. Busa. I asked if he would be able to bring any in and he said "40th what? I don't think Suzuki makes those."

Needless to say, I never let them touch my bike. Dumbass...
One of my contractors tried to get to believe that his wife was doing 250 kph (about 180 mph) on a stock ZX6. And BTW, it was her first bike that she did this on. And topped it off by saying he could take a 'Busa on that thing! How's that for bsary?
I rolled into a parking lot where a bunch of bikers were standing around. They swoooned and said, "How fast does that thing go?" I say, "Not sure, but I've hit 160 on it so far". Their leader stepped up and says, "That's cool but I been to 186 on mine!" He had this beat to crap 750 or 1000 something I think. I grinned and thought '...ok...', but said, "Great!" instead

Last week ran into a guy who rode with a dangerous pack I rolled with once. He told me last time out, he took a downhill 25mph corner at 120, slide out and slammed into a tree. I was amazed he was still walking, talking and seemed to have nothing wrong with him. The SV650 he rides must have had a GREAT air bag.
No offense, but we do have a BS section, it's called Random thoughts.

What you are talking about is an <span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'>*</span>sshole section, and I think it's a fine Idea.