Its just the principle of it

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So, you swam around in a pool of blood and guts with sharks nearby eh??? Only a fool fears nothing, even in Russian...You actually torched the title?
I'm in agreement with most here, give the dude the title. You never know what is or was up with this guy and he may have a legit reason why he did not send you your tag back. I was once young and full of p$$ and vinegar but if you live long enough you wise up a little. He could have been out of town or who knows, he may just be a di%#, youre better off just ending this. No need to store up bad karma on your side just because this guy is goofy. And remember "People are inheirently stupid". You know what happens when you pee into a fan??
READ the thread... he burned the title...

Personally I do not find so funny... but that is just me..

I just finished it. I'm shaking my head right now. YA it'd pizz me off too. But he already repaid the guy for what he did 10 fold. Now it's DD that has karma to pay.
If the guy has the title that DD signed, and then DD went and got a duplicate title and burned it he can get charged with grand theft. That guy doesn't need a reciept saying what he paid for it, he has a title signed by DD. Thats better evidence than any reciept..
Not going to read this entire thread. Finish your business and hope he doesn't return the favor with a drive by.

No one likes getting ignored or screwed, but now-a-days people just don't give a dayum.

A simple hand written bill of sale should have covered the tag / no tag on the trip home.

Good Luck
If the guy has the title that DD signed, and then DD went and got a duplicate title and burned it he can get charged with grand theft. That guy doesn't need a reciept saying what he paid for it, he has a title signed by DD. Thats better evidence than any reciept..

exactly he has the title and just needs to call the bank with the lein on it and the guy can get a lein release
guess you took the mature, moral high ground... very grown up .. perhaps he will copy these threads and take you to court... you screw a guy for slacking on sending back a license plate for 5 Grand?

I love self rightous ppl yous just love passing judgement and thinking you are above everyone else.until it happens to you!maybe you can just print out this thread and mail it to him so he can take it to court,you would like that,wouldnt you?

Never said I was mature or had Morals!!! and grown up,I never want to grow up... I stand by what I did.I didnt screw anyone,he screwed himself for being a jerk off,not slacking,he knew exactly what he was doing.

I posted this to see where everyone stands on lieing sh!t talking scumbags

I got a group who thinks like me and says FK 'em and then I got guys who think like me to a certain point then get soft then i got guys who forget and forgive anyone and everyone,that definately isnt me.

but its all good.Im not concerned with court,I know the way and im definately not concerned with him showing up at my front door,he knows the way/
If the guy has the title that DD signed, and then DD went and got a duplicate title and burned it he can get charged with grand theft. That guy doesn't need a reciept saying what he paid for it, he has a title signed by DD. Thats better evidence than any reciept..

never noterized ,trust me the title isnt worth anything to anybody the state never even sent it back to him,just notice it wasn not good,and I didnt go out and get a dup,the bank sent me the dup when i paid off the lien.

"grand theft" your playing to much ps2
I love self rightous ppl yous just love passing judgement and thinking you are above everyone else.until it happens to you!maybe you can just print out this thread and mail it to him so he can take it to court,you would like that,wouldnt you?

Never said I was mature or had Morals!!! and grown up,I never want to grow up... I stand by what I did.I didnt screw anyone,he screwed himself for being a jerk off,not slacking,he knew exactly what he was doing.

I posted this to see where everyone stands on lieing sh!t talking scumbags

I got a group who thinks like me and says FK 'em and then I got guys who think like me to a certain point then get soft then i got guys who forget and forgive anyone and everyone,that definately isnt me.

but its all good.Im not concerned with court,I know the way and im definately not concerned with him showing up at my front door,he knows the way/
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I still say a swift kick in the nuts would have said all you needed to say.
well only thing that could come back to bite ya is if he took the bike and let it get impounded, you would be responsible for the fees. Then of course you would call me, I would go get the bike, pay the fees while you went and got ANOTHER duplicate title for me :laugh:

OR, if he slams it into something and causes damage. Only way out of that would be to report it stolen which of course you wouldn't do, because it would be at this point falsifying info to police.....bad bad thing to get caught doing.

Things to consider...:welcome::rulez:
So, you swam around in a pool of blood and guts with sharks nearby eh??? Only a fool fears nothing, even in Russian...You actually torched the title?

yeah,because i opened my mouth and said i would not thiking he would actually have the $$,so since I said I would...well,I had too...foolish? absolutely:laugh:
exactly he has the title and just needs to call the bank with the lein on it and the guy can get a lein release

if the lien is paid...yes. But the original holder of the title will be sent the title because in their eyes, he is the guy who owns the bike.

tons of bad ways this could go....:poke:
well only thing that could come back to bite ya is if he took the bike and let it get impounded, you would be responsible for the fees. Then of course you would call me, I would go get the bike, pay the fees while you went and got ANOTHER duplicate title for me :laugh:

OR, if he slams it into something and causes damage. Only way out of that would be to report it stolen which of course you wouldn't do, because it would be at this point falsifying info to police.....bad bad thing to get caught doing.

Things to consider...:welcome::rulez:

I had a truck I sold 7 yrs ago,traded it in at a car dealer actually,I left the damn tag on it but after realizing it,didnt think much about it...Its a car dealer,they would do the right thing...right?

a year later,it was right around xmas,this guy calls me and tells me I need to meet him at the impound to get his truck out,I said "wtf are you talking about and wtf are you".. he was the guy who bought the truck i traded in and they sold it with the tag on it...dont ask me how that flew but anyway,he had gotten towed and when he went to pick it up it came up in my name!!! they told him i had to come get it out......well,I told that dude,goodluck,he's the azz for riding around on my tag...dont know if he ever got it out,may have went to auction for all I know.....

lmk when your coming to the city bro,we'll get together:beerchug:
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I still say a swift kick in the nuts would have said all you needed to say.

That would be assault, and that would be wrong....hahah:laugh:

besides,Im still on probation for another yr,because some assclown put a gun to my head in a bar and so i proceeded to assault him...haha:laugh: theres that being foolish again...hate when that happens:whistle:

im done with this thread,thanks for your opinions,I have a better idea of who everyone is now and there are some guys here id like to have a drink with,if your ever in Philly,lmk,Ill buy:beerchug::thumbsup:
I didn't read through all the posts, but you should call back the lawyer, and tell him that you'll meet him and exchange the plate for the title.
That would be assault, and that would be wrong....hahah:laugh:

besides,Im still on probation for another yr,because some assclown put a gun to my head in a bar and so i proceeded to assault him...haha:laugh: theres that being foolish again...hate when that happens:whistle:

im done with this thread,thanks for your opinions,I have a better idea of who everyone is now and there are some guys here id like to have a drink with,if your ever in Philly,lmk,Ill buy:beerchug::thumbsup:

\Ahh...the plot thickens. You may have just brought more trouble on you than you need, but you appear to be a big boy so you can take your own lumps good luck to you.
I think you have some major anger / maturity / common sense issues dude. You need to grow up a whole lot, hope you aren't a parent.???
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