Its just the principle of it

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The point here is he did trust you enough to make the deal in cash. Finish the deal and move on.

Oh Lordy, talk about dumb and dumber! This guy who purchased the bike is not playing with a full deck. Anyone who would give a perfect stranger a handful of cash, no reciept and no title has just a wee bit of vacant air space between the ears. Then for the fella who took the cash to play fook fook with a character who has proven himself as unstable is also in need of a few session on the sofa with the man with a bow tie, wide rim glasses and a note pad.

If I were you, I'd put motion dectors around my house and tie up a pit bull on my front porch if you intend to keep playing with this guy "Over Principle". I'd say the wise thing would be to do whatever it takes to keep this guy out of your county! Keep in mind, the guy knows where you live. It would be a shame to get a phone call at work that your house has just burned to the ground!
Oh Lordy, talk about dumb and dumber! This guy who purchased the bike is not playing with a full deck. Anyone who would give a perfect stranger a handful of cash, no reciept and no title has just a wee bit of vacant air space between the ears. Then for the fella who took the cash to play fook fook with a character who has proven himself as unstable is also in need of a few session on the sofa with the man with a bow tie, wide rim glasses and a note pad.

If I were you, I'd put motion dectors around my house and tie up a pit bull on my front porch if you intend to keep playing with this guy "Over Principle". I'd say the wise thing would be to do whatever it takes to keep this guy out of your county! Keep in mind, the guy knows where you live. It would be a shame to get a phone call at work that your house has just burned to the ground!

You hafta live in PA. Most people here aren't playing with a full deck....we are used to it.

I don't see the guy doing anything illegal if he's already contacted a lawyer.???
Wipe your azz with it THEN ship it to him...Im just sayin'
Wipe your azz with it THEN ship it to him...Im just sayin'

Now this is the best post in this thread!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Gary, I know you wouldn't let up on him!! :whistle: BTW, aint it time for me to get sh!t faced and call yer a$$ up? We are due!! :laugh:
agree make him do the drive an finish the deal.. then again this guy is an ******* i wouldn't want to see him again.

In Florida we don't work it that way though I wouldn't let him take it till he transfers the title, registered owner here is still held responsible for the vehicle an whatever happens after till transfer is done. Down here you sell it he takes off with an crashes you as the last registered owner would still be held responsible for what ever happens with bike.
Adam (WingDing): License Plates are referred to as "Tags" in other parts of the country. we have two lessons going here...


Ya well here a tag is what the kids do to your nice new cedar fence! :moon:
So as you guys know,I sold my bike back in Sept. the guy that bought it showed up with cash but did try to low ball me ,I wasnt budging and after practically shutting the garage door and telling him enjoy your 2 hr ride back home he suddenly found another $2500 in his pocket...go figure. so I complete the transaction (all cash). the guy asks if he can take the bike with my tag on it and promises o send it back th next day,I reluctantly agree,only because his son was riding it back home (100mi away). I signed the title and away they went. long story short,the tag never came back, I emailed him week after week and no reply, so after the 3rd week I report the tag stolen just to protect my a$$.
I did give him the title but I had $500 left on loan which I held off paying until i got the tag back, which never did come back,

so 5 weeks later this guy sends me about 10 emails and leave 10 messages on my phone about how he wasnt able to title it because there is a lean on it:whistle:

I ask him, WTF is my tag,he says oh,I forgot? BS I sent you emails you never replyed to and its the same email addy you just sent me emails from.
Karma is a *****!!! Funny how when I needed something you didnt give a sh!t but now all of a sudden you need something and you cant get in touch with me fast enough..."go Fk yourself buddy!" "enjoy your bike"

so now he says he will bring the tag first thing in the morning,I tell him too late I already cleared myself from it,Im not interested,then he tells me he's getting a lawyer.I said "go ahead"

so I get a letter from an attorney and it states "I have your tag,I will give it to you when you give me the title"are you serious???????
I call the lawyer and tell him what he is in possesion of is stolen property (my tag) and he can shove it up his ass. then I tell him tell his client I will be more then happy to buy the bike back from him for whatever he put down as purchase price to register!!

the guy never asked for a receipt and I never gave him one,so techniqqly the bike is still titled to me as Ive gotten the dup title after paying off the lean, the title he has is no good.

my wife tells me enough is enough,send him the title,I say FK him,maybe he learned he shouldnt try and FK ppl over who go out of their way to be accomodating

what do you think? should i send the title,did he sweat enough,or should i just trash it and forget about it. Im usually a nice guy and will do anything for anyone but once you FK me,I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire,just the way i am:whistle:

Man, you sound like me!!! Are you a Scorpio?:lol:
Make the driving to get the title be the remainder of his punishment and call it done.
Be done with it. You don't want to get hauled into court because you decided to "teach him a lesson". Hold the other guy accountable, but don't drag yourself down to his level. You got your money. If he'll give you back the tag (so you are clear) give him the title. And do it NOW.
Sounds like he may have learned his lesson. Go ahead and send it and put it behind you.
Grandpa used to say "Don't mud wrestle with a pig, cause you'll both get dirty, and the pig likes it."

Send him the title already.

I got an idea! Shipt it in a HUGE envelope to toher Org bretherin so we can place our own special messages on i, we get the envelope, write him a "nice "message and then forward it to someone else...eventually someoen can ship it to him in the mail...that way you can say that you DID mail it....I only ask 1 thing, ship it to ME I can wipe MY azz with it...

Hey folks I didnt share with you the story about my R6 I sold last year, I can feel a brutha's pain here, I had my own fiasco too...thats why I say WIPE away!
Take the high road. :beerchug:

Send him the stuff, put it behind you, and remember this lesson (which I'm assuming you've learned). Life's too short; take it from me...I know.

No sense in carting this extra negativity around with you, bro...there're far better things to do with your time and energy.

But...just make sure you learned the lesson. Thanks for passing it along, too. Maybe others of this family can learn from it, as well.


+1 Well said :beerchug:
I got an idea! Shipt it in a HUGE envelope to toher Org bretherin so we can place our own special messages on i, we get the envelope, write him a "nice "message and then forward it to someone else...eventually someoen can ship it to him in the mail...that way you can say that you DID mail it....I only ask 1 thing, ship it to ME I can wipe MY azz with it...

Hey folks I didnt share with you the story about my R6 I sold last year, I can feel a brutha's pain here, I had my own fiasco too...thats why I say WIPE away!

Ummmmmmmm if he sends it to you first and you do indeed wipe your Azz with it, Please take me off the mailing list :rofl::rofl:
Grandpa used to say "Don't mud wrestle with a pig, cause you'll both get dirty, and the pig likes it."

Send him the title already.


That's a keeper! :beerchug:

Do not speak to the guy again. Speak only to the lawyer from this point out. Arrange for the lawyer to either deliver the tag in person or have someone drop it off to you. They can then take the title at that point.
Ummmmmmmm if he sends it to you first and you do indeed wipe your Azz with it, Please take me off the mailing list :rofl::rofl:

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:Okok maybe we can just stick to the "personal messages" on the envelope...:rofl:
I got an idea! Shipt it in a HUGE envelope to toher Org bretherin so we can place our own special messages on i, we get the envelope, write him a "nice "message and then forward it to someone else...eventually someoen can ship it to him in the mail...that way you can say that you DID mail it....I only ask 1 thing, ship it to ME I can wipe MY azz with it...

Hey folks I didnt share with you the story about my R6 I sold last year, I can feel a brutha's pain here, I had my own fiasco too...thats why I say WIPE away!

Note to self:
Never piss lycan off! :whistle:
Note to self:
Never piss lycan off! :whistle:

Nah my Org bretherin would NEVER receive such treatment from me my friend....

But douchebags like that guy? Yup, pipe to the knee caps bro, like I said I had my OWN fiasco this year when I sold my bike (kinda the same but money involved too) and trust me, it's hard to be the bigger man sometimes, ESPECIALLY when you know someone tried to stick it in you, sometimes you just gotta whoop someone's azz man...I'm just sayin':whistle:
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