Need advice - Purchase gone bad

Looks like you saved about $1000 from what they are going for. Hopefully it ends up being worth the hassle.
Have you tried talking to AR and asking why they would issue a clear title in the 1st place?
Have you tried talking to AR and asking why they would issue a clear title in the 1st place?

I just spoke with AR. They said they received a clear title from NM when they titled it, and the title was not branded. So next I have to get in touch with the DMV in NM... Fun times.
Looks like you saved about $1000 from what they are going for. Hopefully it ends up being worth the hassle.

A rebuilt title is not worth $1000 to me unfortunately. Maybe to some people. Had I known the history and the hassle I would have to deal with, I would have paid $4k for the bike in question.

I look at it this way. Could I sell the bike right now for $5600 with a rebuilt title? Doubtful...

Thank you for your response sir :)

he would be returning my money in a partial refund if you really want bike or i would get it all back and he can have his bike back..cause if you got title he had no liens to pay off..
he would be returning my money in a partial refund if you really want bike or i would get it all back and he can have his bike back..cause if you got title he had no liens to pay off..

Yep! If he had the title in hand, there was no lean on it. So he's blowing smoke on where the money really went.

I would straight up tell him to give me my money back or see him in court. The bike was advertised AND sold as a CLEAR TITLE vehicle. Anything else is a breach of contract/sale agreement. Call a lawyer but I'd be willing to bet he either returns your money or faces the penalties. I hope you have a bill of sale or copy of the ebay/craigslist add stating everything you were told?

If the seller really didn't know, then he needs to go after the person that sold him the bike for the difference you may feel you are owed (if you even keep the bike).

This is a prime example of why I don't like buying used bikes. You never know 100% the history on the vehicle regardless of how much homework you do.... :(
I had the title to my last Busa with no lein and I still owed $5K on it. One day it just showed up in the mail from HSBC.
I hate to say it man but you bought a used bike they are sold as is in any case. The guy you bought it from is helping you because he is trying to be nice. He is not bound by law to refund or help you in any way, he is just trying to be nice which is lucky for you. It sucks you lost your money, but unless you were planning on selling it for a profit you still have a Hayabusa that runs and looks good, who cares what the title says?
As far as he used the money to play off a loan, he probably had other loans on other things that he paid off, its not uncommon for people to have multiple loans. The reason I belive what he is telling you is because he is trying to help you if it was a scam you would not be able to get in touch with him now. He is helping you and it sounds like he is one of your main sources in this whole thing, if you do anything to pursue getting money from him I would wait until you are able to title the bike JMO.
I hate to say it man but you bought a used bike they are sold as is in any case. The guy you bought it from is helping you because he is trying to be nice. He is not bound by law to refund or help you in any way, he is just trying to be nice which is lucky for you. It sucks you lost your money, but unless you were planning on selling it for a profit you still have a Hayabusa that runs and looks good, who cares what the title says?
As far as he used the money to play off a loan, he probably had other loans on other things that he paid off, its not uncommon for people to have multiple loans. The reason I belive what he is telling you is because he is trying to help you if it was a scam you would not be able to get in touch with him now. He is helping you and it sounds like he is one of your main sources in this whole thing, if you do anything to pursue getting money from him I would wait until you are able to title the bike JMO.

I don't think that's quite correct. You buy as-is mechanical, but not for title problems. If the bike was indeed sold with as 'clear title' and now the buyer cannot use the vehicle for it's intended purpose (driving on public roads) then there is a breach of contract.

The seller warranted that the bike's title was clean and the buyer would be able to title it in his home state.

I'd tell him come up with the money or I'll see him in small claims court. When you win (you have a good case) the court can garnish his wages until the debt is paid off or he goes to jail.

Let him know this is what you plan on doing. That might spar him to action. I wonder if others on ebay found out about the title problem and did not bid.

Good luck.
here in missouri you have to go to the state highway patrol inspection place and have them check it out, there are forms to be filled out also, and a waiting time dont know if its the same in Ok, also you will want to know that if you want to get full coverage insurance it will effect that also, but at a lessor value than one with a clean title....
That's what I don't really understand. There was a lien on the bike that shows was paid, but then he said he took the money to the bank that next day and paid off the loan. Kinda confusing.

But, I'd be willing to give you two to one odds that the fella you bought it from is lying like a yellow faced dog!


The seller is raping you blind left and right.
Of course the seller is being nice to you, he doesn't want you coming after him for this...

I bought my busa from an org member as well, turned out when I get it home it had a no 4th gear. Dogs stripped and shift fork bent... He didn't mention it to me, but I later found his thread asking the org for help with his 4th gear... His gain, my loss... No wonder he was selling it... I wouldn't be so quick to trust your seller here... Member or not.

Also, is it just me, or does 8500 miles seem awfully low for a 02? My 02 has over 40k now... Try to get that carfax report, because it's not hard to swap an odometer... Especially if you're rebuilding a bike anyways...

Just smells like a bunch of fraud to me... ???

Best of luck to you!

One thing doesn't make sense..

You said he's helping gather receipts to show where the bike was fixed. Which mean's the bike was broken, hence the salvage title? But if you bought it from AR and you spoke with AR DMV who says title was clear, then keep following the paper trail. Good luck, and at this point you might want to speak with a lawyer to find out what your best options are.

He might have had a clear title. Then wrecked the bike, and fixed it and sold it to you. Therefore his title would still show clear right? And the VIN would be on record as a salvage...
I hate to say it man but you bought a used bike they are sold as is in any case. The guy you bought it from is helping you because he is trying to be nice. He is not bound by law to refund or help you in any way, he is just trying to be nice which is lucky for you. It sucks you lost your money, but unless you were planning on selling it for a profit you still have a Hayabusa that runs and looks good, who cares what the title says?
As far as he used the money to play off a loan, he probably had other loans on other things that he paid off, its not uncommon for people to have multiple loans. The reason I belive what he is telling you is because he is trying to help you if it was a scam you would not be able to get in touch with him now. He is helping you and it sounds like he is one of your main sources in this whole thing, if you do anything to pursue getting money from him I would wait until you are able to title the bike JMO.

I take it you know the gentleman in question? I have nothing but respect for him, as I hope I made clear in my posts... I have made him a very fair offer which I hope he will accept and we can both go our separate ways... I don't feel like I should bare the entire brunt of loss, and I have asked him to share that loss with me. I think that is reasonable and I question anyone who doesn't agree.

I do appreciate your input in this matter. Regards,
1st many states will issue owner a title even if there's a lien on it .
New York being one .
I cannot tell you how many times folks came to Lincoln Mercury with title in hand and traded vehicle only for accounting to find out a week later it had a lien/loan on it .
Of course with a dealer it's easier to solve and contracts are involved .

Ignorance is legally no excuse . So if he represented it as clean title and you have docs to prove this it's a slam dunk in your favor in small claims court .

Lastly post vin or Pm me and I'll get you a Carfax or Autocheck on it which will show titling history . Autocheck is 99% as accurate as Carfax and I can get these immediately . Carfax may take me a day to contact some contacts .

Then we can go from there .

Run good or not for me to find out later it has salvage title would make me suspect whole thing and not want it .
People usually sell things to pay bills and whether or not he paid loan off or his bills doesn't matter as it seems most likely your money is gone !
But a judgement from a small claims court could be helpful next time he goes to sell anything as your judgement/lien for amount awarded will follow him .
I take it you know the gentleman in question? I have nothing but respect for him, as I hope I made clear in my posts... I have made him a very fair offer which I hope he will accept and we can both go our separate ways... I don't feel like I should bare the entire brunt of loss, and I have asked him to share that loss with me. I think that is reasonable and I question anyone who doesn't agree.

I do appreciate your input in this matter. Regards,

I do not know anyone involved in this I am just trying to see both sides of the story. A similar issue happened to me with a car. Bought it as is got it home and it was using water took it back after some words back and forth they said nothing was wrong and it was as is so no warranty. Needless to say I was a little hot and words were thrown back and forth the sales man just stormed off and the owner was ready to hit me but in the end I still have the car I just had to fix it. Good luck in what ever you deside, don't let this ordeal change the way you feel about Hayabusa's they are great and beautiful machines :thumbsup:
Title it on AZ. in your name. Have your clean title bike. If AZ won't title it clean then the seller is scaming you AND us. Because we all own and ride an awesome bike that mostly only respectable, honest people own. We wouldn't have anything less on our ORG.

OR lawyer up. And enjoy your new drag bike.

I found mine on CL in Denver. Drove 12 hrs there and 12 back. So I know your worries before the buy. My bike titled good after the purchase.

Good luck keep us posted.
Posted via Mobile Device

Really are you serious? You sure are a trustworthy person. I guarantee at least one person on this org has stolen bike parts, weather they know it or not.

Sorry for your situation. I would be hesitant to believe the last owner new nothing. Good Luck.