Its just the principle of it

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It definately is time to put this to rest. This guy is not worth one more minute of thinking about him. Finish it..
Nah my Org bretherin would NEVER receive such treatment from me my friend....

But douchebags like that guy? Yup, pipe to the knee caps bro, like I said I had my OWN fiasco this year when I sold my bike (kinda the same but money involved too) and trust me, it's hard to be the bigger man sometimes, ESPECIALLY when you know someone tried to stick it in you, sometimes you just gotta whoop someone's azz man...I'm just sayin':whistle:

LOL, I always say that there is one thing that everyone in the world understands!!!!

I agree to take the high road and finish it.
He sounds to me like he is just more stupid than trying to rip you off on purpose.
Don't forget you posted the whole sordid tale here and that could be used to verify the story some day if anyone found it. JMO
i got an idea! Shipt it in a huge envelope to toher org bretherin so we can place our own special messages on i, we get the envelope, write him a "nice "message and then forward it to someone else...eventually someoen can ship it to him in the mail...that way you can say that you did mail it....i only ask 1 thing, ship it to me i can wipe my azz with it...

Hey folks i didnt share with you the story about my r6 i sold last year, i can feel a brutha's pain here, i had my own fiasco too...thats why i say wipe away!

ummmmmmmm if he sends it to you first and you do indeed wipe your azz with it, please take me off the mailing list :rofl::rofl:

Take the high road. :beerchug:

Send him the stuff, put it behind you, and remember this lesson (which I'm assuming you've learned). Life's too short; take it from me...I know.

No sense in carting this extra negativity around with you, bro...there're far better things to do with your time and energy.

But...just make sure you learned the lesson. Thanks for passing it along, too. Maybe others of this family can learn from it, as well.

+1.. you have already delved out enough stress to the guy and you are really out nothing anyway except a bit of effort and self induced stress.. If it were to go to court, you will loose anyway and you come off sounding like a jerk..

Also, you are ultimately responsible for any lien on the bike and if you pay off the bike, he can get the release himself..

Dont be a jerk, it will come back to haunt you..
Yes let ME be the jerk...and well, you now what I want to do with the title...:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Ya already put the screws to him. I wouldn't want him back at my house, though. Make the lawyer come over and make the exchange. That will cost the buyer even more money and then you've screwed around with him about as much as your karma will allow.

Now this is the best post in this thread!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Gary, I know you wouldn't let up on him!! :whistle: BTW, aint it time for me to get sh!t faced and call yer a$$ up? We are due!! :laugh:

I have too much free time hence stuff like this gets me I doubt I'd let up if he was being a jerk about it.

At this point the tag is dead and he is cleared...

In PA it would go before a magistrate and he would do nothing as long as the guy willfully release the title in font of him.

Depends on how bad he wants to be a jerk back.

Could cost the guy more wasted time and court fees to make it happen.

If he cussed me....we'd be going to court and I would get the magistrate to make him apologize to me. But then I have a lot of free time :laugh: can always remember the number anymore?

Thinking about coming up to the city for new years...whatca doing?
Well, in PA you covered your butt on the tag. Its stolen as of right now.

Now, legally you own the bike if its in your name but the guy is a real genius if he's been this trusting...I would make him sweat purely because of the lawyer b/s.

Curious, how did you get a title with a loan on it? I am guessing you bought the bike used and had a lien put againist it? If it was bought new, most of the time in PA, a title isn't sent(it actually doesn't even exist on paper!!!) unless it clears the bank and its issued clear.

I would clear the bike, and make the jerk drive the 2 hrs to come get it. That's my personal opinion.

yeah,bought it used,transfered title to me,bank let me keep the title as long as I signed a pendot form listing them as a lein holder,I intended on paying it off within a couple months,I thought I did but was $500 short.
I'm with Scar on this one. Although I do not disagree with smacking an idiot around a little, I am hoping he learned not to mess with people like that. Maybe it was a lesson learned. If not, you know who not to deal with next time.

+1,000,000 Time for closure, and a brand new 09' !!!!!
+1.. you have already delved out enough stress to the guy and you are really out nothing anyway except a bit of effort and self induced stress.. If it were to go to court, you will loose anyway and you come off sounding like a jerk..

Also, you are ultimately responsible for any lien on the bike and if you pay off the bike, he can get the release himself..

Dont be a jerk, it will come back to haunt you..

how can he get a release himself? he cant! the title he has is useless,I have the only good title its a dup and for all intent purposes that bike is still mine if I really wanted to be a "JERK",he has no receipt. FK him!

I dont consider myself a jerk,yes I was foolish for letting him have the tag,I knew this when I gave it to him but always one to want to trust ppl will do what they say they will do, I went against my better judgement. so now this guy ruined it for everyone else I deal with from now on and is a P.O.S in my book.if he wants to go to court then thats fine. Ill get a paid day off from work as long as I get a supeona:laugh:
alright ,thanks for your input fellas

I made my decision

it went in the fireplace 5 min ago and is forgotten about as far as im concerned.

people should do what they say they will do. I have lived my life this way,I've done things even though after giving it some thought wasnt the best idea but went ahead and did it anyway because i said i would.

like that time we were out 37mi off shore shark fishing and a friend of mine bet me $500 I wouldnt jump into the chum slick we had going for about 4hrs,I said show the $$ and i'll do it (hadnt seen a fin all day), well he showed the $$ and against my better judgement dove in and swam around the boat. less then an hr later (i sh!t you not) we had a 400+lb thresher hooked up, needless to say I wont do that again:poke:

Like I have tattoo'd on my chest (its in Russian)

"Fear Nothing,Regret Less"

guess you took the mature, moral high ground... very grown up .. perhaps he will copy these threads and take you to court... you screw a guy for slacking on sending back a license plate for 5 Grand?
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