Just wanted to introduce myself....

Welcome, A lot of usefull info on this site....and a lot of REALLY friendly people.
Dont feel shy to ask any question.....thats how I learned what to do or add on my ride.
Welcome to the world of "busa'......now thats what I like.....pics showing proof. Excellent choice of color....I have same........

Well, new uploaded pics will have to wait until next Tuesday or Wednesday. They finallized my install date on the broadband this morning and told me they would be here at 1:00pm on Tuesday.

Assuming the hook up goes smooth and I have the network configured right I'll be uploading Tuesday evening.

BTW, took her to 5.5k awhile ago. Was quite nice up there. Can't wait to see what she will really do. Quite the break in ride taking place this weekend. Should have about 350 miles put on on Saturday alone.
Welcome, Nice photos BTW. Enjoy the ride, keep taking/posting pics. Folks here love Pics, Myself included...
