Just wanted to say.....


It's the middle of November and i'm still able to ride in shorts and a t-shirt.. Florida weather FTMFW!!  

That is all
I would step outside & take a picture of the beautiful weather that we a having right now... but you wouldn't be able to see me flipping you off through the blowing snow!!
(Slicksnchicks @ Nov. 14 2006,17:02) something i should know?
<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>Most here are "Gear Junkies" !</span>
(Slicksnchicks @ Nov. 14 2006,16:53) It's the middle of November and i'm still able to ride in shorts and a t-shirt.. Florida weather FTMFW!!  

That is all
83 outside right now. Weather chaging tomorrow high only 62. then gradully back up to mid 70's.

No sign of snow this year. HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA
Actually I left work and am now home..  Wow so because I ride in shorts and t-shirts sometimes im a squid?  I don't always ride like a "gear junkie" especially when im cruisin down A1A or up in Tomoka state park and im more comfortable out of my pants, jacket and boots.  I always however wear a helmet.  I realize other drivers are a danger to me but thats a risk im sometimes willing to take in shorts and t-shirt.  So if that makes me a squid then whatever.  This post was meant to be a well spirited joke as Hillsrider and others took it.  Either way I have perfect riding weather and when in permits and im in the mood, I will ride with shorts and a t-shirt...  I always thought a squid was someone riding like an asshat through traffic or on city streets with no regard for others or themselves..anyways...my 2 cents....maybe Ill ride up to ale house or wing house now in my squid costume.

I have no problem with the t shirt and shorts as long as you are wearing flip flops with them.