Just wanted to share

(semi @ Nov. 28 2006,03:26) sometimes you have to do what you have to do...the greatest rewards come from taking the greatest risks...on the flip side, so do the greatest heartaches...i have been through both...just take care of yourself, be as careful as possible, and enjoy the moment you are in because we don't know what tommorrow is going to bring

Without risk, there is no reward. Jump on that rocket ship and ride it for all it's worth.

If you crash and burn, you can always look back on the total rush that was that ride!

If you get a safe landing, you know it was all worth it and you can ride again!!

Best of luck to you both, ya lucky bastage!

Congrates and good luck....
I got as far as the second pic and decided to pose this question...
Does she have any older sisters?
Congratulations bro.  
(Valium @ Nov. 28 2006,02:16)
(semi @ Nov. 28 2006,04:07) good luck
i hope it works for you
Thanks, I hope so also - as after being in a wretched, twisted, and all around crap~o'la relationship for the last 2 years and 10 months, I think I deserve someone like Ali.

Does she ride...oh man, can she ride. Is she smart, umm...well lets just say I think I will be calling her Dr. in the near future.

Heck, I've thrown caution to the wind, accepted her invite to move in and couldn't be more excited and scared at the same time.

Do I expect anyone to understand...Do some think it's too fast...well, after not really living much of a life for the last 6 years, I've thrown all reasoning and caution to the wind, and let myself not over analyze something to death for once...and it feels Great.
Hey Valium, congratz on your new love with Ali. Lets hope she floats like a butterfly but doesn't sting like a Bee J/k.

(Wag @ Nov. 28 2006,10:08)
(semi @ Nov. 28 2006,03:26) sometimes you have to do what you have to do...the greatest rewards come from taking the greatest risks...on the flip side, so do the greatest heartaches...i have been through both...just take care of yourself, be as careful as possible, and enjoy the moment you are in because we don't know what tommorrow is going to bring

Without risk, there is no reward.  Jump on that rocket ship and ride it for all it's worth.  

If you crash and burn, you can always look back on the total rush that was that ride!

If you get a safe landing, you know it was all worth it and you can ride again!!

Best of luck to you both, ya lucky bastage!

I could read something into this Wag.

OK..this sentence.

Jump on that rocket ship and ride it for all it's worth.


never mind.



btw how many bikes does she have

noticed Gretchen's page is down
went to see if anything new was added
Congrats John,

Always do what you feel is right and don't listen to what most others have to say about your situation.

Some people spend a lot of time together before they take the plunge and still separate. Others spend little and manage to spend a lifetime together.

Go figure!!

My wife will get on the bike with me but won't even think about piloting one herself.

Good luck to you!
(runeight @ Nov. 28 2006,11:28) I could read something into this Wag.

OK..this sentence.

Jump on that rocket ship and ride it for all it's worth.


never mind.

I probalby meant it both ways!




Hey Val,

Good on you...if memory serves, I recall you went through some relationship BS awhile back and we unanimously told you to move on and find someone better.

Looks like you did, and for the better.
(Over_Easy @ Nov. 29 2006,10:26) Hey Val,

Good on you...if memory serves, I recall you went through some relationship BS awhile back and we unanimously told you to move on and find someone better.

Looks like you did, and for the better.
Yah, the members here really gave some good advice in the past, just took me awhile to see reality.

Anyhow, 15F tonight, and temps going down to 7F, and I feel so darn good, I'm riding into work!
Congrats, to the both of you. May you bring each other happiness from now on.
Congrats man!

Hope everything goes well for the both of you!
A few more pics, just because I have nothing better to do while working the overnight shift.



Oh, and her doing some track time in Cali...

geocities.com domain gone

One of her "Old school" bikes
geocities.com domain gone

Did I mention she also races cars...Mostly road course stuff, but I think this is a pic at the 1/4.
geocities.com domain gone