Just when you thought you knew the Clintons.

Things he said and did? All Trump ever did was make it perfectly clear that he sees the world in 2 sections. Pro Trump and against Trump. If you don't support him, you're not worth his energy. He did and said nothing to scare anyone. Unsubstantiated blather like Zerks post here is his only platform, and it's not scary at all. I would say a better description is pitiful. All he actually did was be an arsehole for 4 years which cost him reelection, which he responded to by trying to cheat his way into staying in office. Surprise, surprise.
His actions are about to cost him his freedom. His deep swamp mob connections aren't going to bail him out this time.
For what it's worth, I agree Biden shouldn't be on the ticket either. Time for fresh minds and ideas.
Sorry you see it that way. All he ever did was say America first and want to put you and I above all other countries. He gained a higher percentage of black and Latino voters than any republican in recent history The media has convinced you he’s racist when in fact he’s not. He could have been a uniter if the leftist media had not waged scorched earth on every one of his words. Show me one time he said democrats weren’t welcome. Unlike democrats who are the true ones who scream you must follow their ways and rules or else.
And another Democrat bites the dust, but all will probably slip away under the covers.

He may walk away again. I believe he has escaped two investigations at this point, the first going back like 18 years ago and a 2nd that did lead to an indictment, but he escaped that one as well. This 3rd investigation and 2nd indictment might lead to actual prison time but I wouldn't bet on it.

Thanks to Trump raising the bar of what is acceptable behavior this is really nothing by today's standards. These kinds of crimes though go straight to the heart of why certain people shouldn't have security clearances. Bribery and financial related crimes are at the heart of what security clearance investigations look for. I don't know if he is on the intelligence committee but if he is he should be removed and fired and put in jail.
He may walk away again. I believe he has escaped two investigations at this point, the first going back like 18 years ago and a 2nd that did lead to an indictment, but he escaped that one as well. This 3rd investigation and 2nd indictment might lead to actual prison time but I wouldn't bet on it.

Thanks to Trump raising the bar of what is acceptable behavior this is really nothing by today's standards. These kinds of crimes though go straight to the heart of why certain people shouldn't have security clearances. Bribery and financial related crimes are at the heart of what security clearance investigations look for. I don't know if he is on the intelligence committee but if he is he should be removed and fired and put in jail.
Trump raised the bar. Lol
Sorry you see it that way. All he ever did was say America first and want to put you and I above all other countries. He gained a higher percentage of black and Latino voters than any republican in recent history The media has convinced you he’s racist when in fact he’s not. He could have been a uniter if the leftist media had not waged scorched earth on every one of his words. Show me one time he said democrats weren’t welcome. Unlike democrats who are the true ones who scream you must follow their ways and rules or else.
First of all, you chose to listen to the absolute crap that falls out of his mouth. I don't. I watch his actions, and those say Trump first, Period. The media hasn't convinced me of anything. I watched video of him refusing to condemn the Proud Boys, called Mexican thieves and rapists, BLM supporters thugs and Capitol attackers very fine people. I, along with a majority of the U.S., have had enough. You think 81 million votes, inspired by the loathing of Trump, was a lot? Wait until '24. If the Republicans don't come up with a better alternative , get ready for 4 more years of a Democrat in the White house.
Capitol attackers very fine people.
Don't forget he said the same thing about the white nationalist protesting the removal of the General Lee statue where one of the members plowed into the crowd with their Dodge Challenger.

If the Republicans don't come up with a better alternative , get ready for 4 more years of a Democrat in the White house.
They will all sing the same old song they are still singing today. It's rigged. It's what Trump always falls back on, he either wins or it's rigged.

All that said, if you went back and looked at his interviews from 20+ years ago he could run and be the savior of the Democrats which is why I say he isn't just a racist, he simply will say and do anything he feels he needs to, to win and if it means turning the US into a Fascists, Authoritarian regime he will.

He doesn't care about anything but himself. It's really mind boggling to watch him talk about politics a couple of decades ago and see what he does today. He didn't get cheated, the election wasn't rigged, he showed his true colors and people came out to vote, not for Biden, but against Trump.
Don't forget he said the same thing about the white nationalist protesting the removal of the General Lee statue where one of the members plowed into the crowd with their Dodge Challenger. They will all sing the same old song they are still singing today. It's rigged. It's what Trump always falls back on, he either wins or it's rigged. All that said, if you went back and looked at his interviews from 20+ years ago he could run and be the savior of the Democrats which is why I say he isn't just a racist, he simply will say and do anything he feels he needs to, to win and if it means turning the US into a Fascists, Authoritarian regime he will. He doesn't care about anything but himself. It's really mind boggling to watch him talk about politics a couple of decades ago and see what he does today. He didn't get cheated, the election wasn't rigged, he showed his true colors and people came out to vote, not for Biden, but against Trump.

I never liked him but at least before he got into politics he was at least bludgeonly honest. Now he’s a typical lying politician and among the worst of them.
You guys only swallowed bits and pieces of his words that WERE fed to you by the media. Red do yourself a favor and post the whole statement by trump on Charlottesville. In fact here let me do it for you…

resident Trump condemned the violent attack on a crowd of counterprotesters in Charlottesville, Va., that left one dead and 19 injured Saturday.

Speaking from the Diplomatic Reception Room in the White House Monday afternoon, Trump said plainly that “racism is evil” and that members of the Ku Klux Klan, neo Nazis and white supremacists are “repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.”

“As I have said many times before, no matter the color of our skin, we all live under the same laws. We all salute the same great flag, and we are all made by the same almighty God,” he said.

Read his complete remarks.

We are renegotiating trade deals and making them good for the American worker and it’s about time. Our economy is now strong. The stock market continues to hit record highs. Unemployment is at a 16-year low and businesses are more optimistic than ever before. Companies are moving back to the United States and bringing many thousands of jobs with them. We have already created over 1 million jobs since I took office. We will be discussing economic issues in greater detail later this afternoon, but based on the events that took place in Charlottesville over the weekend, I would like to provide the nation with an update on the ongoing federal response to the horrific attack and violence that was witnessed by everyone.
I just met with FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Jeff Sessions. The Department of Justice has opened a civil rights investigation into the deadly car attack that killed one innocent American and wounded 20 others. To anyone who acted criminally in this weekend’s racist violence, you will be held fully accountable. Justice will be delivered. As I said on Saturday, we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence. It has no place in America. And as I have said many times before, no matter the color of our skin, we all live under the same laws, we all salute the same great flag and we are all made by the same almighty God.
We must love each other, show affection for each other and unite together in condemnation of hatred, bigotry and violence. We must rediscover the bonds of love and loyalty that bring us together as Americans.
Racism is evil and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs including the KKK, neo Nazis, white supremacists and other hate groups that are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans.
We are a nation founded on the truth, that all of us are created equal. We are equal in the eyes of our creator, we are equal under the law and we are equal under our Constitution.
Those who spread violence in the name of bigotry strike at the very core of America. Two days ago, a young American woman, Heather Heyer, was tragically killed. Her death fills us with grief and we send her family our thoughts, our prayers and our love. We also mourn the two Virginia state troopers who died in service to their community, their commonwealth and their country.
Troopers Jay Cullen and Berke Bates exemplify the very best of America, and our hearts go out to their family, their friends and every member of American law enforcement. These three fallen Americans embody the goodness and decency of our nation.
In times such as these America has always shown its true character, responding to hate with love, division with unity and violence with an unwavering resolve for justice.
As a candidate, I promised to restore law and order to our country, and our federal law enforcement agencies are following through on that pledge.
We will spare no resource in fighting so that every American child can grow up free from violence and fear. We will defend and protect the sacred rights of all Americans, and we will work together so that every citizen in this blessed land is free to follow their dreams in their hearts and to express the love and joy in their souls. Thank you, God bless you and God bless America. Thank you very much
According to a transcript from the White House, the Trump quote in question was in response to a reporter who asked, "Mr. President, are you putting what you’re calling the alt-left and white supremacists on the same moral plane?"

Trump responded: "Excuse me, excuse me. They didn’t put themselves — and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides."
After further questioning from the reporter, and responses from Trump about people who were at the Charlottesville rally to support keeping the Lee statue, the president said, "You’re changing history. You’re changing culture. And you had people — and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists — because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists."

I don’t know? Sure seems like and sounds like strong condemnation to me?
I can only figure you guys either had your ears closed when the man himself was speaking or you got your tidbits from the media? One or the other. But the truth is in the transcripts and his own words.
Maybe just maybe you guys can stop repeating leftist lies and twisted words and actually see the truth? My guess is probably not since it’s buried so deep in your heads.
This is one perfect example of how if you tell a lie so many times it becomes truth. You all just proved it.
You guys only swallowed bits and pieces of his words
That's not true at all. The point you are missing is why did those words come out of his mouth at all??? That's the root of the problem.

For me, where Trump really started to loose me was when he starred a reporter in the face and said he didn't know who David Duke was but years before that, he called David Duke a racist. So which is it? You can paste as many internet links as you want, you can't justify this BS that comes out of his mouth. He is the biggest liar I've ever seen; he actions on Jan 6th are the most despicable I've ever seen and the one that still takes the cake for me is his declassification mind powers but you keep defending him...LOL
That's not true at all. The point you are missing is why did those words come out of his mouth at all??? That's the root of the problem.

For me, where Trump really started to loose me was when he starred a reporter in the face and said he didn't know who David Duke was but years before that, he called David Duke a racist. So which is it? You can paste as many internet links as you want, you can't justify this BS that comes out of his mouth. He is the biggest liar I've ever seen; he actions on Jan 6th are the most despicable I've ever seen and the one that still takes the cake for me is his declassification mind powers but you keep defending him...LOL
The words came out of his mouth because he was asked about it from a reporter. You would have been happier if he said no comment? He flat out condemned all the racists and white supremacists. He repeatedly said no matter what color you are we are all under the same flag. But it’s ok. The lies they told you are buried so deep in peoples heads they just can’t say ‘him maybe the media did twist his words?’ Or more importantly leave out all that would have shown it’s not what they wanted you to believe?
Either way the truth is in his words and I bet you cannot simply say ‘well ok he did condemn them’ ‘he did not include racists in his good people comment.’ My guess is you won’t.
So he said he didn’t know who somebody was. Once shown who he was he condemned him without question.

Tell me how counting chads for weeks on end trying to ‘find the votes’ was any different? Tell me how going all the way to the SCOTUS in effort of overturning results that were given not once not twice but three times is any different? It’s not. Gore did his best to contest and overturn the results.

The fact the left calls 1/6 an insurrection and refers to police stations being burned to ground with cops running for their lives a mostly peaceful protest is laughable.

as far as I’m concerned that definition perfectly fits 1/6. It was short of a few people mostly peaceful. Hell most of the people who got into the Capital stayed within the ropes off lines. Some even picked up fallen statues and set them back where they were. Had the people in the video above gotten into the Capital I can guarantee you it would have been far worse as evidenced by their destructive past. They would absolutely have burned it to the ground.
The media has shaped the opinions of people like you who don’t seem to want to look at things objectively.
The words came out of his mouth because he was asked about it from a reporter.
Ah...I see...it's the reporters fault...you just wasted bits on the internet.
You would have been happier if he said no comment?
Nope. He could have just called out the white nationalist for what they are, that would get my vote if he could consistently behave like an adult.

He flat out condemned all the racists and white supremacists.
He also said he didn't know who David Duke is. I condemn racisim but I don't know who David Duke is or what the KKK is about. Really? Come on man.
He flat out condemned all the racists and white supremacists.
Since you think it's lies I will just quote your boys response....

President Trump said....
“Just so you understand, I don’t know anything about David Duke, okay? I don’t know anything about what you’re even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists. So I don’t know, did he endorse me or what’s going on,”

I actually watched this interview in real time. It's not a lie. He knew and he lied. He would NOT condemn David Duke or the KKK because he needs their votes and in doing so he empowers these nut jobs and their hate.
Since you think it's lies I will just quote your boys response....

President Trump said....
“Just so you understand, I don’t know anything about David Duke, okay? I don’t know anything about what you’re even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists. So I don’t know, did he endorse me or what’s going on,”

I actually watched this interview in real time. It's not a lie. He knew and he lied. He would NOT condemn David Duke or the KKK because he needs their votes and in doing so he empowers these nut jobs and their hate.
Yeah so what? Some racist threw his support in for him. Does that mean Trumps values are same as his? Of course not.
From cnn maybe a source you’d trust.

How many times would you have liked him to disavow Duke or his beliefs? Once should have been good enough. In fact it only took biden once to say he didn’t know the grand wizard of the kkk or support him which by his own actions is false but the story went away. See how that works. Anyone the media is against gets blasted and their communist loving puppet gets a pass daily.

Let’s see if I got this straight.
The democrats with the help of the FBI and social media conspired to limit your and my freedom of speech. Thru censorship they stripped you and all of us our freedom of speech.
On a daily basis they seek to strip you on your right to own firearms.
The democrats and leftist governors arrested Catholics and Christians in their cars in the parking lots attending service during covid all the while doing nothing to stop ‘peaceful protests’ which resulted in billions of dollars in damage and dozens of police officers dead in their tracks.
So the three basic tenets of our society they sought to strip you of and they still have you believing they are protecting the Constitution and you from Trump?

Is that your Kawasaki?
No, it’s my neighbour’s bike… he’s reluctant to even adjust and clean the chain or even do basic checks, tyre pressures etc, so he brings it down to me!
In return he lets me ride it for the day, clocking up hundreds of kms lol.
He hardly ever rides it, he bought it coz he loves the look of it.
It’s quite nice to ride, turns a few heads but to be honest I’d rather ride my V Strom or play my telecaster lol




I don’t see how anyone could disagree with this. He was 1000% right here.
That is unless blind hatred for orange man bad is clouding rational thoughts.

But he’s xenophobic, a racist and there must be some white supremacy built into his words here? I’m sure of it!
Yeah so what? Some racist threw his support in for him.
You call that racists phuck out for what he is, be god damn man with some f'n principles and balls. If he did that he would gain the respect of his fellow Americans. Instead he behaved like an f'ng coward, lied and pretended to not know him!!! WTF man! How do you defend and support that? That is how a traitor behaves.

Does that mean Trumps values are same as his?
Trump's only value's are to himself. What have you been listening to or watching?!?!

I think I know who the sheep is. The orange man can say and do anything and you will defend it. That is what you do and that is what sheep do. I have no problem calling out Biden/Trump or any other politician for what they are. You can't do that. You pledge your allegiance to a person, not the country or constitution.
You call that racists phuck out for what he is, be god damn man with some f'n principles and balls. If he did that he would gain the respect of his fellow Americans. Instead he behaved like an f'ng coward, lied and pretended to not know him!!! WTF man! How do you defend and support that? That is how a traitor behaves.

Trump's only value's are to himself. What have you been listening to or watching?!?!

I think I know who the sheep is. The orange man can say and do anything and you will defend it. That is what you do and that is what sheep do. I have no problem calling out Biden/Trump or any other politician for what they are. You can't do that. You pledge your allegiance to a person, not the country or constitution.
The question was asked of him way back when he first announced intent. His mind is full of people he knows, knew, took pics with etc. Looked to me like it caught him off guard. Once he realized who they were talking about he condemned him like a dozen times in two days on several different occasions.
Not sure how much more you want? Maybe a yakuza pinky sacrifice or something?
I the support the candidate who’s values align more closely with my own. Trump outweighs Biden by far in that regard. If he doesn’t drop out sooner 2024 will be a 2020 rematch. So take your pick.

Compromised bribed communist puppet with a crackhead son
A narcissist who at least cares about this country as well as you and I and every person of every color here.

Remember if you don’t vote for Biden you ain’t black.
He didn’t want his kids to go to school in a racial jungle.
But the other guy is the racist. Roflmao…
Amazing how the democrats are all about protecting democracy and the constitution when it’s in regards to 1/6 yet on every other occasion they wipe their ass with it.

I’m pinching my nose and voting red no matter what or for who because the democrats are destroying this place at all corners as well as within.
His mind is full of people he knows, knew, took pics with etc.
This is what I'm talking about, you are rationalizing. He knew exactly who David Duke is and was and same for the KKK. How do I know this? Because he was considering running for president under the "Reform" party before 2016. When David Duke endorsed the "Reform" party Donald Trump backed out. In in interview he sighted the reason for dropping out was the David Duke endorsement. He thought it was a mistake to associate with a racist. That isn't a direct quote but it was very close to that. Now he doesn't know who he is...give me a break!!!!

Oh he took so many pictures....so many people....i can't remember a racist.... <----- sheep buy this BS

He doesn't care about you, me or this country. He will burn it to the ground to get what he wants, and Jan 6th was just a small example of what he is willing to do and support. I'll take the father of a crack head over a treasonous traitor like Trump that wants to date his own daughter, mistakes the lady he assaulted for his own wife UNDER OATH!!

You buy your right wing BS hook line and sinker...
This is what I'm talking about, you are rationalizing. He knew exactly who David Duke is and was and same for the KKK. How do I know this? Because he was considering running for president under the "Reform" party before 2016. When David Duke endorsed the "Reform" party Donald Trump backed out. In in interview he sighted the reason for dropping out was the David Duke endorsement. He thought it was a mistake to associate with a racist. That isn't a direct quote but it was very close to that. Now he doesn't know who he is...give me a break!!!!

Oh he took so many pictures....so many people....i can't remember a racist.... <----- sheep buy this BS

He doesn't care about you, me or this country. He will burn it to the ground to get what he wants, and Jan 6th was just a small example of what he is willing to do and support. I'll take the father of a crack head over a treasonous traitor like Trump that wants to date his own daughter, mistakes the lady he assaulted for his own wife UNDER OATH!!

You buy your right wing BS hook line and sinker...
Ok you’re right. Good luck with democrat policies.

And their leftist hypocrisy…