Kansas City invasion 3/15

Thanks gents, had an awesome time along an awesome route. It was great to meet some more of the brotherhood.

I'm formally casting the first vote for skotty as the official "Busa Abuser!" :cheerleader:
Just a couple cell phone pics to get the pics started. Sorry no great grand daughter pics.:poke:



We will post up the whole trip tonight , but for now we are going riding!:laugh:
Alright boys, up and adam. Where are those pictures!!! :laugh:
- "First Call"/"Reveille"[/url]

Thought you would enjoy a little "light" music after your night of much needed partying!!
Spring is HERE!!!!
Wish I could have been there! It almost made me tear up . . . oh wait (gotta keep the mancard :rofl:) that was just my allergies. Seriously, looks like a great ride and good to see everyone getting together.
Wish I could have been there! It almost made me tear up . . . oh wait (gotta keep the mancard :rofl:) that was just my allergies. Seriously, looks like a great ride and good to see everyone getting together.

Ken..we miss you being out here....Hope all is well in NC for you.
dang another ride and meet i missed, i dont think im ever gonna get mine back together with all the extra activities im involved in with my kids, im glad you guys had fun, Hal thanks for the invite!!! hope you all are safe...
dang another ride and meet i missed, i dont think im ever gonna get mine back together with all the extra activities im involved in with my kids, im glad you guys had fun, Hal thanks for the invite!!! hope you all are safe...

You were missed! Hope to see you next time.
I gotta say... That is the first ever pic I have seen that Semi didn't have a cigarette or a beer in his hand....

The economy must be bad!