Katie couric leaving "today"

I am baffled though, Network TV?   I mean come on are things this bad?  You have this kinda free time?
Actually.. my employeers are not too bright~ I not only have internet access.. i have cable TV in my office!
It's so I can keep track of the huricanes during huricane season... suckers~
OK Now that is funny...

Still, not an excuse for watching network television. Only reason to be on Fox is the Simpsons, and OK the first couple episodes of American Idol... Otherwise? kill it.

Tune into PBS and watch Cosmos, Hit Discovery Channel for some Penguins. Then Maybe Roll it over to the Military channel and catch up on the battle for midway.... So much to learn so little time.

Will be interesting to see how well Today does after she's gone~ Matt and Al are entertaining, but don't think it will be the same without Katie in the mix...
I thought I heard that Meredith Viera was taking Katie's place.

Could be interesting...

Although, I really don't watch Today...too busy scoping the local stations to get the latest traffic...ya know, which routes to avoid going to work!
Will be interesting to see how well Today does after she's gone~ Matt and Al are entertaining, but don't think it will be the same without Katie in the mix...
I thought I heard that Meredith Viera was taking Katie's place.

Could be interesting...
I was just reading that~ Apparently she got the job~ I think that's just wrong, myself~ They should have given it to their weekend anchor that fills in for Katie when she's on "asignment"~ Can't think of her name... sorry Rev... but she fits in well with Matt and Al~ Didn't this Meridith person do that "millionaire" show~ I can just see her doing an interview..... "Yada yada yada...Is that your final answer?"
who freakin cares!!  
Don't mind him...he's worried about Queensryche right now...
better than who is the anchor person....gggeeezzzz
So you're saying you'd prefer watching a bunch of "Jersey Girl Hair" singers over the lovely and "not stuck in the 80's" Katie?!

Oh yeah, I think I see how you got that advanced copy of the QR album...


Katie's 'Farewell' show this morning on Today~ As they were showing her interviews throughout the years she's been there, I couldn't help but notice... She looks much better today then she did when she first started out~ Father Time has treated her well~
Katie's 'Farewell' show this morning on Today~ As they were showing her interviews throughout the years she's been there, I couldn't help but notice... She looks much better today then she did when she first started out~ Father Time has treated her well~
Father Time? No No, Uncle Surgery has treated her well, plus extensions, injections, fuggin implants, nip here tuck there...

Keep her away from a Microwave or Bonfire bro, she'll fuggin melt.

Katie's 'Farewell' show this morning on Today~ As they were showing her interviews throughout the years she's been there, I couldn't help but notice... She looks much better today then she did when she first started out~ Father Time has treated her well~
Father Time? No No, Uncle Surgery has treated her well, plus extensions, injections, fuggin implants, nip here tuck there...

Keep her away from a Microwave or Bonfire bro, she'll fuggin melt.

Dayuuum Rev! Whats wrong with "Enhancements"?
You did it now NJ...

Don't ever ask Rev about chicks with "enhancements"...he'll go off