I didnt mean to stir anything up here but he is from the villiage that we always get hit... I am not saying I was right by anymean but I have met some out standing Iraqi's last deployment and have never had a problem with TCN's. I have also been shot at and blown up by Iraqi's so excuse me if I do have an issue with some of them! They do not do good back round checks on these guys who they let on post... Anyone remember a few years ago in mosule when a local national walked into the dfac and blew it all to hell. I do because I was there! I thought thought it was crazy how good this guy was with a box cutter bc I have cut myself a few times! And back in 2001 our air planes were taken over by box cutters just saying!
Have to agree with Projekt. You sir are an idiot.
and just for the record on of my moms best friends who I would do anything for because she is like family is Iraqi and was kicked out of her country by sadam! I wish I had pictures from last deployment where I did several humanitian missions with a smile on my face because I felt like I was making this part of the world better.
I dont have anything against all of them! I said that in first post I said I have some hostilitay against some of them... Can an admin fix my mistake and delete this thread. I am sorry that I came off like jack ass!
Ok we have jackass and idiot...gentleman. Please. can we not be civil?
anyone see that movie "War Inc."?
I lived in a neighborhood where black guys would always do drive-bys... doesnt mean i can go up to EVERY black guy in the neighborhood and say they did the drive by....
and yes, ive been shot at by black guys in texas..but im not a racist....
my roommate just got back from Afghanistan, spent 3 years getting shot at and watching 6 of his closest friends die...but he doesn't go around calling all iraqs terrorist...
dont blame it on your experiences... blame yourself.
edit your own thread... delete it.