Kickstand Problem


For the life of me I cannot find a search option on this site or I would have done so already...

Anyways, do the 2005 busa's have the tipover issue because of the kickstand not going too far forward?
Same bike and same kickstand. If you haven't done the mod you should. It will be worth it to you in the end.
For the life of me I cannot find a search option on this site or I would have done so already...

Anyways, do the 2005 busa's have the tipover issue because of the kickstand not going too far forward?
Now it may just be me...but I've been riding bikes for a long long time...and have owned alot of bikes....and my 04 Busa's kickstand works just like every other bikes I've ever owned.....great. It leans over plenty far and the stands angled plenty bike has never come anywhere close to falling over for any reason, ever. But I've also parked a whole lotta bikes over the years
so it could just be me
One thing that helps a ton is always making sure you turn the bars into the lean when you put the kickstand down. If you lock your bars when you leave the bike the bars will only lock in one direction...towards the kickstand side of the bike. And ALWAYS park your bike with the front tire facing the uphill side of any slant you park bet is to park it at a slight angle to an uphill.....kickstand side facing down the hill...then theres really no way it can roll off the kickstand or tip over...cause you got gravity working for ya' not against ya'
For the life of me I cannot find a search option on this site or I would have done so already...

Anyways, do the 2005 busa's have the tipover issue because of the kickstand not going too far forward?
Now it may just be me...but I've been riding bikes for a long long time...and have owned alot of bikes....and my 04 Busa's kickstand works just like every other bikes I've ever owned.....great. It leans over plenty far and the stands angled plenty bike has never come anywhere close to falling over for any reason, ever. But I've also parked a whole lotta bikes over the years  
so it could just be me  
One thing that helps a ton is always making sure you turn the bars into the lean when you put the kickstand down. If you lock your bars when you leave the bike the bars will only lock in one direction...towards the kickstand side of the bike. And ALWAYS park your bike with the front tire facing the uphill side of any slant you park bet is to park it at a slight angle to an uphill.....kickstand side facing down the hill...then theres really no way it can roll off the kickstand or tip over...cause you got gravity working for ya' not against ya'
Well I personally have not done the kick stand mod... and have not had any problems till now! Touch wood

I also haven't had any problems. I just always make sure to roll the bike as far as I can forward and then lean the bike down and lock the handlebars. Seems to work for me.
i too have nvr done the mod. Just dont park facing down hill how hard is that
I have a 2005 and after I did the mod I feel more comftable with it. by the way is not a $6000 dollar bike or a $30 fairing.
I never had any problems, but I did the kickstand mod just in case. I honestly don't think it's necessary if you know how to park the bike. Also, when you park, give it a little tug to see if it's stable or not.
I leave mine in neutral pointed downhill with the wheel pointed way from the stand ... then again I also smoke a lot of crack!

Never had an issue with my '05. I just pay attention to how and where I park it. Now that I lowered the rear over the weekend, I will be doing the mod to get it to lean back over to close to the factory angle.
Well ... I did'nt have any trouble with the stock kickstand either but why take a chance? It only takes 10 minutes to grind the stand. Too many people here have had their busa fall over for me not to pay attention.
Do the mod, some day Suzuki will figure this problem out.
What problem? Every sport or ST bike I have even owned, sits the same way on it's stand. This "Problem" is not particular to Suzuki, IMO all these style bikes have the same issue. You want a bike that never falls over? Buy a Harley...they have locking performance and they make a lotta noise for nothing, but they have locking stands...using your head stops these bikes from falling over you know...
Do the mod, some day Suzuki will figure this problem out.
What problem?  Every sport or ST bike I have even owned, sits the same way on it's stand.  This "Problem" is not particular to Suzuki, IMO all these style bikes have the same issue.  You want a bike that never falls over?  Buy a Harley...they have locking performance and they make a lotta noise for nothing, but they have locking stands...using your head stops these bikes from falling over you know...
Yeah, buy a Harley, they are good at parking in front of bars, and sometimes they can actually make the 1/2 mile trip to the next bar without braking down....just joking...........Anyways, does grinding the kickstand take anything away from its ability to hold up that much weight? Is there a downside to doing it?
For the life of me I cannot find a search option on this site or I would have done so already...

Anyways, do the 2005 busa's have the tipover issue because of the kickstand not going too far forward?
My '05 seems to lean far enough over, but if others have had issues, there must be something to it....

What exactly needs to be done?

just grind a little off the bottom?

Talk to me!
oh shid.....

Why didn't someone just say;

"hey dumba$$, look in modifications, the whole thing is right there"

I promise that I'll look closer before asking stupid questions.

