Kid Shoots Ak 47 in house (Warning Explicit)

No need to get all worked up man. I just expressed my opinion. Or am I not entitled to that? IMO law enforcement is there to protect civilians. If civilians take law in their hand, things can get real bad real fast. Yeah you might have tons of guns and been responsible. But there are plenty of occasions when people acted stupid in a moment of heated situation. And having a fire weapon in hand, makes things deadly. You compared bike, vehicle with a fire arms. Cmon man, you are comparing apples with oranges. Are you saying you need a firearms to live a normal life and need it daily basis? didnt expect that kinda comparison from you at least...specially after reading your other logical posts...

anyway, i'm not from this country and where I'm from owning a deadly weapon is LEOs job, not civilians. I'm not asking for a civil move in this country to ban owning guns for civilians, or anything like that. Just thought of sharing my opinion, that's about it.

That's the thing about america, the government is here to protect us, not rule over us.

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obviously someone needed to have some "appropriate" parenting and range time....and hope that man had a tax stamp for that weapon
Your right I am comparing apples to oranges because cars are more deadly than guns and kill more people every year than guns !
There is an estimated 200 million legally owned guns in this country . The amount of total crime committed or people killed by guns is so small of a percentage it's laughable. Yes you have right to speak your opinion and since your the same one who said 'shoot those cops' in the other thread I'll take your opinion with a grain of salt .
I believe your from India right ?
Well my friend it's my right to set you straight and tell you things like below links are what makes this country so great and so different from where your from .
I guess you'd rather have the civilians helpless to defend themselves against the cops as in your country ?

BBC News - Police shoot dead 18 during protests in Kashmir

Police shoot dead two protesters in Indian Kashmir - Yahoo! News

Curfew imposed as civilians are shot dead in Kashmir - UK Wired News

I could go on and on as there are pages and pages of how Indian police have shot dead civilians.
What you don't understand is that civilians are the law here in the USA whereas the police are the law where your from .
It's civilians with guns that were by design destined to keep the govt and police in check and without me owning guns it would be just like India which is not where I want to live or be .
So like you said it's such a good idea for the police to be the only ones who own guns so they can shoot unarmed civilians marching down the street. Sounds like paradise to me :rofl:

And sorry but i do get worked up when I hear such foolishness from someone who most likely votes and has no idea !

Simply WOW!!! obviously you'll only see and believe what media will show you ... and I'm also pretty sure you'll nicely ignore any good news from any other part of the world than here ... so its obvious most here believe we have elephant in our backyards :rofl: simply ignorant.... you guys simply have no idea in what condition Kashmir is .... and media loves to show only the bad things about us ... coz it sells here... if we are so come this country is hiring thousand and thousand of IT people every come one of the richest person in here is an Indian... anyway, dont wanna go into that... dont wanna turn into a flaming thread...

but to your point, police ruling over us and not here...what anyway you are gonna do if a cop shoots you? you cant even raise your weapon against them first ... coz you'll be the one to get shot to threaten them ... god forbid if any such thing ever happens here... soon all your empty logic will show how hollow it is ... when the cop shot the dog at the park...did anyone raise their weapon against him to stop him or anything ... when the cop unnecessarily beat that biker up, did anyone raise their weapon to stop them? I guess not ...

And I'm truly glad you dont wanna live in country like India...coz you wont survive there a minute, out of your nice fantasy land :rofl::rofl:
Elvorin with all due respect I've lived in more than a dozen countries and traveled to more than you can name.
I've been to India and ridden the train all around your country so don't assume anything .
Point is civilians without guns and right to defend themselves get shot in india and that doesn't happen here in same fashion. We are free to march down the street without fear of being shot by our own police as happens in India quite often .
We have rights and in India you have nothing .
Think what you want but there is no comparison .
Elvorin with all due respect I've lived in more than a dozen countries and traveled to more than you can name.
I've been to India and ridden the train all around your country so don't assume anything .
Point is civilians without guns and right to defend themselves get shot in india and that doesn't happen here in same fashion. We are free to march down the street without fear of being shot by our own police as happens in India quite often .
We have rights and in India you have nothing .
Think what you want but there is no comparison .

With due respect too, you might have lived in India for sometime, but there you lived as an outsider and got treated like an outsider, and also got the outsider's view. You only quoted the incident which happened in Kashmir. Kashmir is literally a hell now, specially coz global giant nations, like USA, keeps supporting Pakistan for their own benefit. Police and military there get attacked every other day by militants who roam around pretending to be locals. It's almost a war zone. You really cant compare a war zone situation with the entire nation. Again, I'm not supporting what happened there, but I understand some of the reason behind it. And before you pointed that out, you shouldve thought about what goes here. And I really dont wanna get into that.

Yes, our police isnt the best or anything that I would like it to be. But atleast they take care of things that needs to be. We dont call 911 in every single situation, we dont sue each other for $10 or kill roommate for a hamburger. You possibly cant imagine how many procession happens in India per year. I personally do not like that many, but none of them gets shot by cops. You took an isolated incident from a war zone area and made a generic comment about an entire nation. You should be ashamed of making such a judgment. Specially as you've seen many part of the world a better understanding and open mind was expected from you. Making a comment like 'We have rights and in India you have nothing' is simply ignorant and downright foolish. Every country has good things and bad things. Just because of that everyone should be treated equally. By saying 'I'm better than you' leads to nothing but separation and a false ego. Also it's time for me to burst your bubble, in India we have more freedom than here people have in reality.

Again, my initial comment wasnt against the nation, nor to compare my country with this country. Coz in that way the discussion can get real ugly real fast. My comment was just a generic opinion about a policy. Just like some support Obama's medical policy and some dont.

I like a good debate and discussion, but people need to stop taking things personally and attack in personal way. If you wanted to mention why you didnt support my comment, all you had to do was to give some reason. Speaking 'we have rights, you dont', 'our cops dont rule us, yours does' isnt the way to participate in a discussion or debate. It's more like children argument.

If you really wanna participate in the debate, my question to you would be, 'why do you support civilians owning firearms and what really would they lose or how their daily life will change if guns are ever taken away from them'.
(expected to keep the reasons logical, civilized and not any personalized comments).