well Creek will have to get shid done
I can only assume thats where it will be.... and he's coming to the Gap... so he can just bring it along
if its not with Creekboy, hmm, wtf is it?
and yes you have to come, hit the gym and get stronger but honestly if you just take it easy up there you should be fine.... the roads aren't *that* tough if you take it slow and easy
Who's this 'Creekboy' you speak of?!
I decided on Christmas Eve, during my 2 hour run, that I, Michelle aka VaBusa does NOT like twisties because I can't go fast in 'em...
I prefer running fast, long sweepers...leaning over in a long turn and just gunning it...twisties hurt me because I'm hauling around this bike that's 5x my own weight SLOWLY...I'm not strong enough...
Yep, speed is what I enjoy...going slow sucks hairy caveman hind parts...
But, if I can time everything right with some guy in TN, I'll be there...we've already discussed this, so I hope to see the gang in the twisties...going slow, probably slow enough to just fall right over in a 90 degree turn...