kinda ticked

If it's latex paint on your bike, Denatured Alcohol would work great and is usually safe on oem paints. Mineral Spirits/Paint thinner works well on alkyd/oil based paints but doesn't do much for latex/acrylic and it might not be the best for oem paint.

I have removed latex overspray from my truck with just baby shampoo to keep the surface slick and light pressure from a credit card
I make house paints for a living. If it is latex paint, use some very hot water. Maybe even take the plastic off and let it soak it in the water to soften it up. If it is oil based paint, wd-40 will take it off if it isn't real thick. Otherwise try a stonger solvent, rubbing alchohol or mineral spirits.

I am a painter and have had to get my share of paint off of "stuff".

Since it's speckles it's gonna be harder to get of then a smear. The little specks are gonna want to just move around. Unfortunatly the safest way is gonna be about the only way. One speck at a time.

What 300 said here about soaking in some HOT water will help ALOT. No matter what kind of paint it is the sooner you deal with it the easier it will be.

as a rule use goof off for latex paint and oops for oil paints.

you can use goof off safely just wash with soap and water right after words. This is how I get paint off of our co. vehicles once a year.

Chances are it latex. If it was my bike I would go ahead and use goof off and follow up with soap and water to get the goof off off.
Same thing happened to my Mustang a few years ago. A garbage truck in front of me hit a pothole and out came a bucket of white paint. The bucket hit the road and bounced up spraying my car with white paint. By the time I got home it was dry. Because I keep the car waxed the paint came right off when I washed it. Bottom line is-- try warm soapy water first. If it is house paint it should come right off. Start with the easiest solution first then move up if it doesnt work. Good luck bro.
I hate when chit like this happens. How the hell does paint fall out of a car??????Idiot painter or juvenile delinquent?
GOOF OFF!! It works great. I had to get some duct tape goo off that I didn't know was on my truck till a week later (mechanic friend trying to diagnose a air leak around windshield). The stuff just wiped right off with little or no effort and no harm to paint.