knocked over in parking lot


Some guy not paying attention backed into my bikE I JUST BOUGHT he knock it over and smashed the tail light scratched the right fairing as well as the tail section and broke end off clutch lever. And of course i have the purple and black paint job and it is hard to find those farings. anyone have any idea what it will cost to replace the fairngs with oem parts.
did he stop? his ins. will pay for it. just give vman a pm.
depending on how bad the damage is and how much time you want it to take.. you can try a bike shop that does custom paint, most of them have the skill to weld your plastics and repair them to like new condition... if not and you're not dying to get them...I have the 04 black/purple and going to carbon fiber fairings in a few months.. maybe we could work something out if needed... Also if you don't really care about the black/purple scheme... check out They're working on getting their new oem style fairings done..they should be avail soon..and they're very affordable also