Korea Just Fired TWO Scud Missiles !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Donating Member
This stuff is getting Scary. They are up to No-Good. Why is this not Headlines in the US :dunno:

Hawaii is just a Stones Through Away............
BC MJ and all that other bs is more important! I guess I know where my next deployment will be....
North Korea isn't even in the game. They want to be but they're not. What's anyones bet the USA has a sub that has north Korea in their sights? They know it. It's all about establishing the new leaders position in the world. Kim Jongh is pretty much gone. The missle is iffy and the nuke capabilty is even less. Do you really think China would let some half assed country right on their border get nuked over a BS powertrip??? They're a reason us peeons don't have all the intell.
Besides what happened the last time Hawaii was attacked? It's the 20th centry.
Technology has gotten a whole lot eviler and they don't have it.

God bless the USA!
It's actually the 21st century....lol and from everything I have read, the NK navy is no joke.
BC MJ and all that other bs is more important! I guess I know where my next deployment will be....

I hope this is not your next deployment, but the media coverage of something that really might effect the way I wake up later this morning has been almost nonexistent, hard to believe :banghead:
All the North Korean drama is focused on getting more American handouts. They are being ignored to make it clear that we will not be playing that game anymore. Let'm starve themselves.
oh man, and I had my eye on a real sweet looking Asian girl at the nightclub last night too:rofl:
Just like the petulant little boy that acts up because he think's he's not getting enough attention in class.....
or may just be China's puppet, testing the Obama waters to see what he'll do. pretty safe on their part, if it gets bad, they can "step in" and save the day:whistle:
1. NK or any nations with self interests in protecting their soverignty shall develope their own military powers. Unless such acts piss off axes of world power Hegemony.

2. With short range of missiles, who does Nk piss off? China, SK, and Japan.
3. Can Chinese protect themselves from NK threat? Yes.
Posted via Mobile Device

4. Can SK? Yes and the question requires further; would NK attack SK? Doubt it.
5. Can Japan? No.
6. What do Japanese wanna do? Build military power not dissimilar to pre WW II.
7. Who would benefit from #6? Military industries.
8. Who are Military industries? You should be able to answer this question.

So, in conclusion, I would speculate that NK missile issue ain't really bout NK. LIKE our tire threads are not really about tires.

Above bullets are not all factual, and some are authors illusions.
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1. NK or any nations with self interests in protecting their soverignty shall develope their own military powers. Unless such acts piss off axes of world power Hegemony.

2. With short range of missiles, who does Nk piss off? China, SK, and Japan.
3. Can Chinese protect themselves from NK threat? Yes.
Posted via Mobile Device

4. Can SK? Yes and the question requires further; would NK attack SK? Doubt it.
5. Can Japan? No.
6. What do Japanese wanna do? Build military power not dissimilar to pre WW II.
7. Who would benefit from #6? Military industries.
8. Who are Military industries? You should be able to answer this question.

So, in conclusion, I would speculate that NK missile issue ain't really bout NK. LIKE our tire threads are not really about tires.

Above bullets are not all factual, and some are authors illusions.

There is a double negative in statement #6..