Kuryakyn WARNING !

fire fighter 109

The following is from a buddy on one of my 9 forums. He was ANGRY that is why it is in CAPS. (I know what caps means, so PLEASE DO NOT POST ANY B.S. ABOUT TURNING THEM OFF!!!) It is not my post, but I agree with him and told him I would pass the message on. so without any further a-do...

I want to tell everyone about how terrible Kuryakyn customer service is and ask that if you are considering there products just listen to this. Yes i am mad. And yes i will one way or the other get my message out to as may as i can.i have 3 sets of pegs or floorboards of this manufactures products and i must say i have been happy until now. About 4 mth ago i notice some rust pitting on my iso dually pegs i called the co and explained what was happening and they told me i could not send them back but i needed a dealer to send them back (how poor is that for service and $80.00 a set)i waited till winter to get my dealer to send them back and then the phone call from my dealer.the dealer tells me kuryakyn will not take them back and replace them because they are older than 1 year old.the other customer service rep did not ask or tell me they were only warranted for 1 year either when i talked to them a few months prior.sooo i called customer service and some guy tells me all yea there is only a one year warranty and the front pegs are easy to rust due to road debris hitting them,i responded that they are pitting between the rubber on the top not the bottom.this guy didn`t no what to say now, and thinks for a minute then comes back with well we only warranty our product for one year only sorry.these are about 2 years old and i think this is bull@rxht i understand there are warranties and they are what they are but there are exceptions especially in certain occasions.customer has 4-5 of my products on there bike i would believe that is a good customer worth spending a little money on him to keep him as a customer don`t you? My message is simple to all of you consider another product cobra ect.this co must have more business than they need and rollin in the money.
Damn dood turn off the CAPS! Give us at least one space after the period would ya.


The following is from a buddy on one of my 9 forums. He was ANGRY that is why it is in CAPS. (I know what caps means, so PLEASE DO NOT POST ANY B.S. ABOUT TURNING THEM OFF!!!) It is not my post, but I agree with him and told him I would pass the message on. so without any further a-do...

I know the CAPS are over whelming, but please look past that and see what he is trying to say. Let’s use these forums to our advantage and tell each other about poor customer service. Maybe with us spreading the word like this, these big companies will step up, and correct there issues.
I don't use Kuryakyn products. I have heard nothing but bad things about that stuff from the beginning.
I used their stuff all the time when I had my cruiser. Never had an issue.

Also, what is he upset about, exactly? the product is warranted for one year (which i would assume he would at least ask about prior to purchase) and he was past one year on the purchase. Did they expect that they would make an exception for him? Well, they aren't REQUIRED to cover things out of warranty. Sounds to me like he waited too long to send them back. Definitely not Kury's fault any way you slice it, IMHO.
I don't use their products but I wouldn't EXPECT them to replace ANYTHING if its warranty is UP. How is that BAD customer service? Yeah your friend has purchased other things from them but he shouldn't expect them to replace it. If all the "big" companies did this they would be out of business.???
I used their stuff all the time when I had my cruiser. Never had an issue.

Also, what is he upset about, exactly? the product is warranted for one year (which i would assume he would at least ask about prior to purchase) and he was past one year on the purchase. Did they expect that they would make an exception for him? Well, they aren't REQUIRED to cover things out of warranty. Sounds to me like he waited too long to send them back. Definitely not Kury's fault any way you slice it, IMHO.

Great minds think alike!!! :beerchug::beerchug:
Sounds like a whole lot of rant about nothing... Kinda funny when folks loose touch so completely.
Its so horrible but he waited a "few" months to take them off and send them back?

And a year past warranty.
Have them rechromed and move on.
Posted via Mobile Device
The product has a one year warranty...and almost TWO YEARS later he's pi$$ed that they won't replace them ??? WTF!!!
Posted via Mobile Device

I know the CAPS are over whelming, but please look past that and see what he is trying to say. Let’s use these forums to our advantage and tell each other about poor customer service. Maybe with us spreading the word like this, these big companies will step up, and correct there issues.

No my spam filter rejected it, too many CAPS.

He's mad so I should suffer reading it? :rofl:
another loser that wants stuff for free.....

guys like this are why I do not own my own business. i cannot deal with this type of stuff.

1 year warranty, why is that so hard to understand? let me help you :

I have Customers of Mine that say "Three Years ago you guys changed my Oil NOW there is a Leak" This Guy sounds Like one of them:moon:
another loser that wants stuff for free.....

guys like this are why I do not own my own business. i cannot deal with this type of stuff.

1 year warranty, why is that so hard to understand? let me help you :



The caps hurt my eyes, what is your address so I can I send you the bill from my eye doctor?
IF you buy cheap products, don't have any problems until after the warranty expires, and wait after spotting the problem until you're ready to take action makes it seem like it wasn't a priority so why would the company be responsible...
consider the 80 bucks the cost for experience and buy a better set somewhere else.
I've never even heard of Kuryakyn.

Perhaps if your friend wants to communicate his message to a wider audience, he should take a few deep breaths before writing his thoughts in a manner that reduces the level of credibility a reader is likely to grant him while they struggle to comprehend his writing.

I couldn't get past the first ten words before I had a headache.
I have had Kury stuff over six years on various bikes, and like all of the products I have used.

I also have had some retards complain about some of the most ridiculous crap you've ever heard.

(1) My chrome is pitting(forget that I've had it a long time, crap hits it and sandblasts the chrome finish)

(2) My chrome is scratching up(forget that I rest my freakin dirty boots on it everytime I ride it)

(3) my ISO grips are pitting and getting a corroded look on the finish(Forget that I hold them with sweaty acidic hands while wondering if this clown next to me is gonna want to race me)

(4) My rubber inserts are coming loose and or turning my hands black(usually happens when a death grip is used while riding) :rofl:

(disclaimer) I am contracted by Kuryakyn as a parts designer, they do manufacture some of my designs, but am not, nor ever will be an employee of KHI.

I get these comments from my local dealer who has to deal with some people and even though this thread is targeted at Kuryakyn, it happens all the time with all the other manufacturers too. Some people are just like that...retarded, and easily offended when they don't get something for free.
There are two types of manufacturers in this world.

  • Those that sell cheap stuff and warranty for a year...
  • and those that sell quality stuff and warranty them for a lifetime (written or not.)

If you want to keep a customer for life, you'll take back anything at any time, regardless of the reason. If you just care about day to day profits, you'll do exactly what Kuryakyn does. Your job as a consumer is to figure this out BEFORE you buy.