I don't use Kuryakyn products. I have heard nothing but bad things about that stuff from the beginning.
I don't use Kuryakyn products. I have heard nothing but bad things about that stuff from the beginning.
There are two types of manufacturers in this world.
- Those that sell cheap stuff and warranty for a year...
- and those that sell quality stuff and warranty them for a lifetime (written or not.)
If you want to keep a customer for life, you'll take back anything at any time, regardless of the reason. If you just care about day to day profits, you'll do exactly what Kuryakyn does. Your job as a consumer is to figure this out BEFORE you buy.
Do you own and run a company? Just curious as to what business plan you suscribe to.....charge a customer for fair market retail, or charge a customer as much as you can cause you know you're gonna eat it multiple times down the road.
15 years and counting and I have no difficulties with this philosophy. There are many fortune 500 companies that hold to similar ideals.Two different philosophies and consequently two different failure rates.
Oh, and if you own and run a business with that policy.....I want to buy your stuff!
I do own a company and I subscribe to #2, yet I charge a fair price. The trick here is that you will rarely get a return that is more than a year old. And for the few times that you do, you eat it with the understanding that while you may have lost your profit on this order, you may gain a customer for life and reap the rewards ten fold years from now.
15 years and counting and I have no difficulties with this philosophy. There are many fortune 500 companies that hold to similar ideals.
Mac Tools
You pay a fair price and you have a lifetime of guarantee. This is not uncommon in the business world, and even when it's not in writing, it's often a company policy.
Vonderbach: thats kinda an "apples to oranges" argument though, because the stuff YOU sell IS lifetime warranty. If a product carries a 1 year warranty, I'd probably honor it at, say, 13-14 months out, but not 2 years. You bought a product with a 1 year warranty. If it fails after 2 years, you got what you paid for. if it fails 3 days after you buy it, but wait 2 years to try to return it, it's not the manufacturer's fault that someones time management skills suck. Plus, if it takes you 2 years to send back, is it THAT important to you in the first place?
Damn dood turn off the CAPS! Give us at least one space after the period would ya.
I thought I was reading a post by Nightflight for a second or two. Dude needs to get a grip, he also sounds like a Harley rider. Buy a $20,000 bike and put half price crap on it....makes no sense to me.
Everything I sell has a 1 year warranty. I "choose" to warranty my stuff to any date for my customers. I have lost perhaps $500 over 15 years to that policy. It's paid for itself 10 times over.
The examples of the tool mfg's were not from by business, only others well known companies that offer lifetime warranties successfully. Their rationale is identical to mine. Most poeple will never return a broken tool unless they are a professional...even then most will not bother. It's a numbers game to be sure.