L.A. Busas celebrates one week at Stir Crazy


The Boyz down in the gutter at labusas.org would like to invite all of you in the southern California area to our Saturday Ster Crazy meeting. It's on Melrose around 2:30.

ducmanic will supply the address.

I would love to see all of you .org members there who can make it. You need not own a busa to show up and have fun. (myself I own a ZX-7)

Come down and lets talk some $hit...

6917 Melrose

[This message has been edited by GoBig (edited 12 January 2000).]
Where is Bert Branson???????????
Bert, call or E-mail me and let me know how you guys are doing! Check our new board!

Been wanting to ride on down one of these days (LA is my old stomping ground) to see you all. Unfortunately they are predicting big rain up here in SF Fri-Sat-Sun-Mon so the trip would suck.
no can do this week, gotta work. I plan on making it next saturday (1/22/00). If any one wants to ride up from San Diego, leave a What about it bear?. (troyscott@msn.com)
no can do this week, gotta work. I plan on making it next saturday (1/22/00). If any one wants to ride up from San Diego, leave a message. What about it bear?. (troyscott@msn.com)
sorry about the double post.
Dingo was up in Escondido a few months ago, and supposedly had a black & grey Busa. Haven't heard from him recently. I'm getting my old 1100 back together and should be riding next weekend. I'm going this Sat. if possible, sounds like the 1 week LABusas board thing will be fun...but I'll be pickup truck-bound.
This is actually what Clay (GoBig) is hoping to get, a few of us down here to form a race posse for days at Carlsbad and occasional sorties up to Willow Springs, to link up with the LA guys. I think its a great idea. He posted some track days for Willow on a thread at LABusas.
Hey, can us AZ people come? I used to live in SD and I would love to meet up with ya guys and either head to Carlsbad or even LA.
Ive been talking to Mr Bear about that.

Yeah! This is for real, guys. Clay just started in at Willow. He's into it and the dude can handle a bike. I've been wanting to race since high school (when I did a little...Friday nite grudge drags at SIR in Seattle). Chris, you and Kevin (FastZX9R) probably know each other from Carlsbad, huh? BlackPanther, you bet man... LABusas is is an inclusive group, not an exclusive one. Just show up and you are a member, that's it. Those guys are cool. Actually, if you're in AZ I have friends who are moving to NM (near Alamogordo) who I plan to make some rides to visit. We should try to plan some link-up riding, where I ride out there, you and I ride back here, then we go do some racing and hang with the LABusas. It's pretty awesome to roll up on Melrose and see like 5 or 6 Busas parked in formation out in front of the Stir Crazy.
And, I forgot to add....when you pull up on your bike, there are usually fiiiine babes walking by on the sidewalk, and of course they are checking out the Busas, and of course they check you out...it's Hollywood fercrissake!

[This message has been edited by Mr Bear (edited 14 January 2000).]
To : Mr Bear, Black Panther, Go Big: Let's form up the posse ! Can have video, and digital camera at Carlsbad. Maybe by the time this happens, some ZX-12' s will be out in the world. That would sure be an interesting catfight!
about the middle of next week as everybody's plans firm up lets set time and date to ride up. Bear get that 1100 together.
To Scotty: From San Diego, so far, I've seen yourself, Mr. Bear, and Slowhand. Met Slowhand at Carlsbad Raceway. Would be interesting to put together a posse from San Diego, to go to LA, or even a session at Carlsbad. Do you know of any other riders, locally, that post on this board, or would be interested ? Will send e-mail re: this subject.
Scotty and Mr.Bear, I would be interested in going to Carlsbad sometime. I am living in Lakeside, Ca. I tried to get some folks to ride up with me to the DelMar Mile but no takers as you can see I am the only Hayabusa amongst all them hogs in my photo on the LA Busa's dot org under my handle Bird of Prey. Maybe we can go to Julian sometime? or the Rock store or whatever?
Later, Bird of Prey
To Bird of Prey: Was at Carlsbad, today, and last week. Tried Busa, with wheelie bar, last week, but track was "too green", due to track being closed 2 weeks, due to holidays, and no vht. Had Buell X-1, with race pipe, and ECM, today. Will probably be there next week, with either Busa, or GS 1150 car tire bike. ......... . .If interested in rounding up some locals, post, or E-mail me : chrisdolan@webtv.net

[This message has been edited by c.dolan (edited 16 January 2000).]