LA / Hollywood Hayabusa\'s?

This is a regular Saturday hang out. 2:00-3:00pm. Its pretty low key. Hope you can stop by some time. Hows your "turbo bussa'"?
Maybe you can bring the ZX-12?

Los Angeles
OK I bite, what the crap is the Mook!
What is in the Mook? How do I get the Mook! How much does the Mook cost!

Enquiring MINDS want to know (I guess that would exclude FC, see latest under "license plate thread")
We've just got to get you up to speed Easyrider! :) Mook - half magazine - half book from Japan about the Busa. We were first enlightened about this little gem from one of the Busa owners[dazee] who lives in Japan.(originally from the UK) There is a thread with info. (including ordering information) Let me know if you don't find it and I'll bring it back to the top or something.
Heya doods -

yeah, cool to meet you guys (Duc, Walt et al). Wish you were closer to OC so you could join me at Sportbike Nite every first Thursday nite at 7...try to get down there if you wanna hang out and kick some pretty bitchin' tires....

Let's get together and ride the Crest, maybe Duc can do a runner from the cops ! :-D

By the way, the Mook rules!!
We got another semi-meeting today. Semi because my 'Busa is in the shop today. Last week the engine cut out twice, and yesterday after passing a long line of cars in dead traffic and making it all the way to front, the 'Busa died when the green light turned on. Fortunately the driver behind me was patient enough, and noticed I couldn't start the bike. After an eternal 30 seconds of trying to start the engine it fired up. That was it. So we shall see what the dealer comes up with. Warranty should cover it they say.

Nice to see you again Ducmanic and your Monster. Hopefully by next week meeting I will be riding. God I miss the damn thing.
Thanks KawAbuser. The bike is in the shop. The dealer will check on those bulletins. I'm glad yours runs the way it should be.
Waltman, Suzuki Service Bulletins #108 and #109 are what you need to cure your cut out. Just returned from 700 mile foliage terror ride, no more cutout bullshit as it looks like Suzuki nailed it. Only casualities 1 rear tire cooked down to threads and Kawasaki Lawson Replica that now *ticks* like an old clapped out time clock.

There are some updated parts that need to be ordered so go to your dealer ASAP to start the ordering process, good luck!
G'day guys,

I am not sure if anyone will read this post in an older thread but I am new to LA and am keen to meet up with some of you guys ... have a beer and a ride?

Show the new kid the ropes that kind of stuff?

So far all I have done to my 'Busa is install the Yoshi Race Carbon 4-2-1 ... and it sounds VERY fat ... I have to work on the mixture now ... toying with getting the Dynojet PCII

Catch ya
Aussie Abroad
Ausie, welcome to LA LA land :). Today and the rest of the week is going to be on the mid 80's (F). If you want to meet one of these nights (after work). Let's do it at PINKS, world's famous and oldest hot dog stand, is on the corner of La Brea and Melrose, you won't miss it, there is always a crowd. Man is hot today!! How about tonite? Post a reply if you can do it.

By the way I got my bike back, the dealer remapped it (warranty) and it runs better than new. Hey Ducmanic if you read this post, let's meet for dinner with Aussie, and cause some havoc in Hollywood, take the "night" off, heheh, I know you work at nite. I'll give you a call.
Just show up any Sat at the above mentioned time and location. Beer and a ride?
Guess you have never seen me ride-Bad combination. My bussa' is waiting for a DID VM X Master link. I will be there on Sat.
