Laguna Revisited

I am penciled in to leave Wednesday too.
i thought thats what we said earlier,
, but Cache comes a long way to hook up with us.
uuhhhhh....... okie.....

don worry about me ...
Thought I could sneak an extra hour of sleep, but I will be so excited, I probably won't be able to sleep anyway...gonna be fun.
Hi Cache,
Definitely could happen. I'm still trying to get a confirmation from my group but people keep backing out which I am not too happy about. Anyways, I'm ready to go...just got my busa painted for this trip. Here's a few pictures of the girls..and my new hot Busa

More! show me More! Full shots of the new paint job!!! What a tease just showing the front!
Thanks Greg!! I happen to think it's pretty hot too!!! Can't wait to show it off at Laguna!!

Hey Swann, what's up sistah?
? I can't believe you painted your Busa too!!!!! and it looks HOT!!! please post pix of the whole bike!!! Damn, we have got to get pictures on our bikes together!!!! Laguna is going to be off the hook!!!!

Can't wait to hook up with everyone!!!



Hey Lobusa,
Love your new paint job. Here's my new busa and the girls in front of the Swan for a photoshoot for a magazine cover.
Can't wait to see you this year.

um, cache er havoc er summun? I am gonna head down to seca wit mike (aprilliamike) we wanna hook up with the portland crew yo. so wherz the meet?
serious though, um, is that portland ride still on? the one from salsas post? some riders from BC? details plz... deatails
To all you folks heading to Laguna.... I envy you. I will just be getting my bike a month before those dates and will not have the experience to ride cross country by then. but I know the area will have a fantastic time and the coastal area is beautiful.

Head south of carmel along hwy 1 to a restaurant called
the Nepenthe. They have a great view of the pacific while you eat and drink. From Laguna Seca to the restaurant....oh about 10 minutes at 190 mph.

Have a great time.
To all you folks heading to Laguna.... I envy you.  I will just be getting my bike a month before those dates and will not have the experience to ride cross country by then.  but I know the area will have a fantastic time and the coastal area is beautiful.

Head south of carmel along hwy 1 to a restaurant called
the Nepenthe.   They have a great view of the pacific while you eat and drink.  From Laguna Seca to the restaurant....oh about 10 minutes at 190 mph.

Have a great time.
Schaumburgh...alright. I am from Chicago, lived in Arlinton Hts. and worked in Elk Grove. We have several members from your area.

I have a firefighter friend from Chicago who is shipping his bike out to Sacramento and meeting up with the NW crew on our way down. Its only money...think about it.
Hi Greg,
Bog painted his bike as well. I'm not sure what's it's going to look like but I know it's going to look mean. I love my new look. I love Lobusa's new look as well. It's crazy up here because lots of my friends has had their bikes stolen and it's not even the beginning of the season. That's why people are unsure of travelling. They trying to recover their loses. It doesn't seem like insurance is covering the total cost of a people are really watching their dollars. I just started a Tuesday ride called, "Hot Chicks Ride". There are over 30 girls that ride sportsbikes. It's incredible. Unfortunately, these girls are not hard core riders....most are just day riders. So it's difficult to get them to go anywhere far. But I'm so happy you're coming in August. If I can get Bog to come and met you before hand it would save me alot of grieve...can you understand what I'm saying. Anyways, if the weather's good and he gets his bike back soon. We might ride down to met you for just a weekend ...would that be okay. Bog is old fashion. Anyways, a one or one might be good for us. I'll let you know ....are you free weekends. Bog and I are extremely spontaneous. So have fun...and we're still having that BQ for you.
..and of course for Lobusa if she comes.
I'm dying to met all of you.
Hi Greg,
Bog painted his bike as well. I'm not sure what's it's going to look like but I know it's going to look mean. I love my new look. I love Lobusa's new look as well. It's crazy up here because lots of my friends has had their bikes stolen and it's not even the beginning of the season. That's why people are unsure of travelling. They trying to recover their loses. It doesn't seem like insurance is covering the total cost of a people are really watching their dollars. I just started a Tuesday ride called, "Hot Chicks Ride". There are over 30 girls that ride sportsbikes. It's incredible. Unfortunately, these girls are not hard core riders....most are just day riders. So it's difficult to get them to go anywhere far. But I'm so happy you're coming in August. If I can get Bog to come and met you before hand it would save me alot of grieve...can you understand what I'm saying. Anyways, if the weather's good and he gets his bike back soon. We might ride down to met you for just a weekend ...would that be okay. Bog is old fashion. Anyways, a one or one might be good for us. I'll let you know ....are you free weekends. Bog and I are extremely spontaneous. So have fun...and we're still having that BQ for you.
..and of course for Lobusa if she comes.
I'm dying to met all of you.
Tell Bog I understand where he is coming from,but to chill. If we can predict a decent weekend, I would love to meet you guys in Seattle. I really want to ride up there.

Secondly, no matter what, we will all meet in Laguna before August, so Bog will have another chance to get to know us. I say us because I do not plan on coming in August alone. I know that Lo, Dawnie, Cache, and Havoc are also planning to come. There was also mention from Hawaii and a couple more Californians.

Anyway, its all good. Post more pictures from your Hot ChicksTuesday rides. How 'bout today's ride?

Hi Greg,
I know he needs to chill. Oh well, here's pictures of the girls at our first HOT CHICK PARTY. Next week's ride to Squmaish then back to my place for a bq. Check out my group.
